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Electromagnet. This is a type of magnet which the magnetic field is produced by the flow of electric current through wires generally surrounding a metal or iron core. Electric motors, generators, relays, loudspeakers, hard disks are examples of Electromagnets in other equipment.

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Q: What is a magnet formed by electricity called?
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What is a magnet called when electricity is applied to it?

what is a maganet called when electricity is applied to it

True or false when a magnet is moved electricity is formed?

1/2 true, when moved though a wire coil electricity is formed.

What magnet is created by electricity?

It is called an electromagnet.

How are electro magnet different from permanent magnet?

Electro magnets differs from permanent magnet because it requires electricity. A simple electro magnet consists of an iron rod wrapped in a coil of copper and when electricity flows through the copper, a magnetic field is formed.

A machine that uses a magnet to make electricity is called?

a generator

When a magnet that has a magnetic field only when there is electricity is called?

An Electromagnet

What is the difference between magnets and electromagnet?

an electromagnet is a magnet which is activated by electricity and it ceases to be a magnet once the electric supply is stopped whereas a magnet is a natural magnet which does not need electricity and continues to be a magnet whether it is supplied by electricity or not.

How is dynamic electricity created?

dynamic electricity is mostly used in cycles to light bulbs. when a cog wheel turns it turns a cylinder around a magnet inside it, electricity is formed automatically when the wheel turns

Does a magnet just the word magnet conduct electricity?

no it does not.

Is a magnet a insulator or conductor of electricity?

Assuming you mean electrical conductor / insulator, most bar magnets are made of solid metal, either iron, neodymium or an alloy of aluminium nickel and cobalt, so they conduct electricity. There is one type of magnet called a ferrite magnet which does not conduct electricity - they are the type often found in loudspeakers.

Can a magnet be used to produce electricity?

A spinning magnet inside a coil of copper wire will produce electricity.

How does a motor utilize magnetism in its operation?

If you have a coil of wire and pass a magnet trough it it will generate electricity in the coil. Similarly if you put a magnet in a coil of wire and pass electricity through the coil the magnet will move. An electric motor operates on the second principle - a rotor fitted with coils of wire is placed in side a cylinder formed from magnets and electricity is passed though the wire coils (from attachments on the rotor called brushes) and the rotor is made to spin. If however you take the same motor and mechanically spin the rotor then the reverse happens and electricity is generated - the motor becomes a dynamo.