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Q: Is a piranha deadlier than a box jellyfish?
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What jellyfish are deadly?

All have the potential to be deadly. Some are more deadlier than others. Box and Man o' War jellyfish happen to be the worst.

What is deadlier a box jellyfish or a blue ringed octopus?

A blue ringed octopus.

What is deadlier box jellyfish or blue ringed octopus?

It may be hard to say, but it depends on the type of the jellyfish. A box jellyfish or a portuguese man of war has slightly more powerful toxic than blue ringed octopuses. Portuguese man of wars poison is very painful that it can even cause shock, fever, and lung and heart problems. Other jellyfishes like the giant jellyfish, no. The box jellyfish's venom can easily stop heart and systems functioning. But it is very weird how a lot of people say that blue ringed octopuses poison is strong enough to kill twenty to forty fully-grown humans at a time.

Do any other animals have the same poisons as the box jellyfish?

No. The box jellyfish has a stronger poison than any other jellyfish.

Is the box jellyfish a true jellyfish?

Yes, the box jellyfish IS a true jellyfish.

What are box jellyfish adaptations?

Box jellyfish are known for the extremely potent venom produced by some species.Box jellyfish most visibly differ from the "true" or Sycphozan jellyfish in that their umbrellas are cubic, rather than domed or crown-shaped. The underside of the umbrella includes a flap, or velarium, concentrating and increasing the flow of water expelled from the umbrella. As a result, box jellyfish can move more rapidly than other jellyfish, with speeds of up to six metres per minute having been recorded.The box jellyfish's nervous system is also more developed than that of many other jellyfish.

How is a box jellyfish dangerous?

The box jellyfish is lethally dangerous if you have been stung over more than a few square centimeters of skin.

What is the phlyum of a box jellyfish?

The box jellyfish belongs to the phylum of Cnidaria. The class for the box jellyfish is Cubozoa and the order is carybdeida.

How did the jellyfish get its name?

Box jellyfish (class Cubozoa) are cnidarian invertebratesdistinguished by their cube-shaped medusae. Box jellyfish most visibly differ from the Scyphozoan jellyfish in that they are rounded box shape, rather than domed or crown-shaped.

Who would win a fight a box jellyfish or a Portuguese man of war?

The box jellyfish since it has stronger and more powerful toxic than the portuguese man of war.

Why do box jellyfish move?

box jellyfish move so they can hunt

What is the hawaiian word for the box jellyfish?

box jellyfish = "Pololia" or "pa'imalau"