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Q: Is a plant receives more sunlight then usual what plant cell would be most directly affected?
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A green plant receives more sunlight than usual. Which part of the plant cell would be most directly affected by this change?


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Growth of a plant?

depends on the sunlight and water it receives. It does not want an overdose of water or sunlight nor too little.

What part of a plant receives sunlight and transforms the energy into glucose?

The true leaves.

In a forest which organisms are directly affected if the population of the plant decreases?

Plants are "producers" they make food for themselves (from air water and sunlight) and all the rest of the the organisms in their biome. If the population of plants decreases the organisms that are DIRECTLY affected are the herbivores. Then, INDIRECTLY, all the carnivores that eat the herbivores.

A green plant received more sunlight than usual which part of the plant cell would be most directly affected by this change?


How much humidity do plant release?

A plant's respiration of humidity depends on many factors including the size of the plant, the amount of sunlight, it receives, the amount of watering, and its area of origination.

Which plant receives the most sunlight?

Those plants nearest the equator will receive the most sunlight - plants which are able to grow the tallest and be free from the shade of other plants.

What is directly responsible for providing energy to phytoplankton in the ocean?

I think the sun because plankton have plants and plant need sunlight

An experiment testing the amount of sunlight that is best for growing plants a plant that receives no sunlight at all may serve?

its either a constant or a control im not sure which one

How plant proteins easily affected by uv radiation?

UV are high energy radiation. They directly attack plant proteins.

Can a plant decrease in size due to the amount of sunlight it receives?

Yes, too much sun and the plant will wilt, shrivel and get smaller. Too little sun and a plant may remain thin and weak.