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Q: Is a process that involves the collection of information and ideas supported by belief or opinion.?
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What is the definition of supported opinion?

A supported opinion is a viewpoint or belief that is backed up by evidence, facts, or logical reasoning. It involves providing justification or rationale for one's perspective with credible sources or data to reinforce the argument.

What is a valid opinion supported by?

Well make sure you have evidence of this opinion of yours, that would be the key factor for me.

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Manipulative reporting involves distorting facts, omitting important information, or presenting information in a biased manner to influence the audience's perception or opinion on a particular topic. This type of reporting aims to sway public opinion rather than provide an objective view of the news or events.

What is the difference between a theory and opinion?

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation for a phenomenon based on evidence and research, while an opinion is a personal belief or viewpoint that may not be backed by evidence or research. Theories are subject to testing and revision based on new evidence, while opinions are subjective and based on personal preferences or feelings.

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Would you have supported the kansas-nebraska act?

That is an opinion question that you must answer for yourself after studying the facts.

What is the meaning of fact and opinion?

The meaning of fact is something that can be proved or actually exists. The meaning of opinion is a statement that cannot be supported by evidence but reflects the speaker's beliefs.

What is a informed point of view?

An informed point of view is one that is based on accurate and comprehensive information, thoughtful analysis, and consideration of different perspectives. It involves being knowledgeable about a topic or issue, critically evaluating the available information, and forming an opinion based on credible sources and evidence.

What is the meaning of informed opinion?

An informed opinion is a viewpoint or judgment that is based on knowledge, evidence, and research about a particular topic or issue. It is formed through critical thinking and consideration of various perspectives and viewpoints before reaching a conclusion.