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Q: Is a producer in the food chain the sunlight algae tadpole or duck?
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What is a producer in a food chain on land?

If algae is the producer in a food chain of the ocean then corn would be a producer in a food chain on land. Any green plant is a producer.

How is algae a producer?

Yes, algae are producers... they are "the primary producers of the food chain Yes - algae are photosynthetic organisms this means they produce their own food using sunlight so they are producers.

What make a food chain with a producer and 3 consumers?

algae, small invertebrates, fish, shark, humans

Is that algae is producer or consumer?

it is a producer and a consumer because it eats lots of kinds of shrimp, and it also gets eaten by bigger fish.

What is algae producer herbivore carnivore omnivore decomposer?

At the bottom of any food chain is a producer and at the top is a consumer.

What would algae be in the food chain?

Algae are microscopic organisms that grows in the water. Algae is eaten by fish or krill and other tiny creatures. In a food chain it would be considered a producer because it harnesses the sun's energy to create food that is consumed by other organisms.

The relationship between algae and the frog could be described as?

Since algae are at the base of this food chain, they must be producers. Since frogs eat the algae, they must be consumers.The relationship between the algae and the frog may be described as producer → consumer.

What is the food chain of a dragonfly frog ant moth kookaburra sedge maned geese lizard tadpole bactirea algae decayed material daphinia dameselfy centripaed and back swimmer?

Dragon fly eat moth. Kookaburra eat tadpole.

Can you give me ah sample of food chain?

A basic food chain starts with a primary producer and has a chain of primary, secondary, and tertiary predators. This would start with algae as the primary producer, minnows as the primary predator, sunfish as the secondary predator and pike as the tertiary predator.

Describe the role of algae in ocean food chains?

The role of Algae in Ocean and food chains is to be producer for all different kind of consumer. in the food chain its show the feeding relation to consumer.

Why are algae producers?

Yes, algae are producers... they are "the primary producers of the food chain Yes - algae are photosynthetic organisms this means they produce their own food using sunlight so they are producers.

Which would be a producer in a food chain?

Producers are those organisms which can produce organic matter or food from simple inorganic substances like sunlight and carbon dioxide. Only plants, algae and certain bacteria can perform this and hence are producers. For example, phytoplanktons are the chief producers in oceans.