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is a character that seems real to you.

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1mo ago

Not necessarily. While protagonists are typically the main character and therefore more likely to be complex and developed (round), they can still be flat characters if they lack depth and remain consistent throughout the story. The depth and complexity of a protagonist depend on how well the author develops the character.

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Q: Is a protagonist in a story is almost always a round character?
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Is the protagonist a round or flat character in the story a piece of steak?

The protagonist, Tom King, is a round character because he encounters conflict and is changed by it. A round character is more developed that a flat character. Since Tom King was the main character and he experiences change and defeat, you know he is a round character.

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There are are some 1. Round Character 2. Dynamic Character 3. Protagonist

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A round character is a character who changes throughout the story. Let's say at the beginning he was afraid but at the end he faced his fears. That is the definition to round character.A flat character is one who doesn't change. He comes at the 2nd chapter then leaves then comes back at 6th chapter but didn't change at all.The main character in a story is almost always a round character; that character develops as the story progresses.

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Yes, in the short story "Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier, the protagonist Lizabeth is a round character. She undergoes significant internal conflicts and changes throughout the story, showing complexity and development.

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What is the six character types?

The six character types are protagonist, antagonist, dynamic character, static character, round character, and flat character. These types help categorize characters based on their roles, development, and depth within a story.

Why is Harry Potter a round character?

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What is another word for a main character in a story?

A character is anything or anyone in the story -- it can be a person or animal, or even the landscape.The different people involved: the protagonist, their family, friends, neighbors, foes...a character is somebody talked about I'm the story/somebody brought up in a storya person , thing, or animal that takes place in a story.