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is a rat a primary consumer or a secondary consumer or a primary consumer

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Q: Is a rat a primary consumers or secondary consumers?
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Is a rat a primary consumer or secondary consumer?

Rats usually eat grain so they are primary consumers.

How are primary consumers different from secondary consumers?

primary consumers are herbivores and secondary consumers are carnivores so secondary consumers eat primary consumers

Are primary carnivores consumers?

No! Carnivores are secondary consumers. Herbivores are primary consumers.

Are mice primary or secondary consumers?

Rats are primary consumers. This means they will eat almost everything. In the wild, primary consumers provide nutrition for secondary consumers.

Are Carnivores primary or secondary consumer?

Secondary consumers - primary consumers are the herbivores

What is a secondary primary and Tertiary consumer?

Primary consumers eat primary producers(plant-eaters). Secondary consumers eat primary consumers (meat-eaters) Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers. Quaternary consumers eat tertiary consumers.

What are primary secondary and tertiary consumers in the tropical rain forest?

primary consumers are the consumers which feed upon the producers secondary consumers are the consumers which feed upon the primary consumers tertiary consumers are the consumers which feed upon the secondary consumers

Is a coyote a secondary or a primary?

Coyotes are carnivores which means they're not primary consumers ex of primary consumer a rat, rabbit, squierl, mouse. Why are these primary consumers? They are the primary energy source of food for consumers because they collects all the nutrients for plants and later on get eaten to nurious a carnivora coyote is not either a primary or secondary consumer it is a tertiary consumer

What do consumers eat secondary consumers?

Secondary Consumers eat other primary consumers. Primary consumers eat plants or producers.

Are people primary consumers or secondary consumers?

Humans are omnivores which makes them both primary and secondary consumers.

Is a lion a secondary or primary consumer?

Lions are secondary consumers. They feed on primary consumers.

Are lions primary consumers or secondary consumers or tertiary consumers?

Lions are secondary consumers and feed mostly on primary consumers such as zebras.