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Q: Is a red bump on the butt of a gerbil bad?
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What is a Siamese gerbil?

a gerbil that has red eyes

Red bump behind your ear?

no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

Does red eyes mean it's a girl gerbil?

No, the eye colour has no bearing on the gerbil's gender.

What does the bacteria for acne do to make it bad?

it grows up inside the bump and it will turn it red and all dry and like if it get's to hard it will be to hard for it to get off your face and then the bump starts to grows:*(

What is the red stuff coming out of a gerbils nose?

That is just gerbil snot. Theirs is red for some reason. What you're seeing is simply that your gerbil has a runny nose!

Red bump on back I have a red bump size of a penny 14 inch bumped up red hurts when I touch it. right on the spine line between shoulder blades.what is it?

Your Shoulder can move downward, and can cause a red bump and swelling. If blood collect around your spine and shoulder is can cause a red bump and discomfort. Or it could be a type of injury

Why do gerbals have red eyes?

usually only if they are albino their eyes are red. If you don't know what albino is, it is when the gerbil is totally white. I have a grayish white gerbil who's eyes are reddish, but only in the light.

Is it serious if you still have a large and very noticeable bump on your butt cheek after falling down the stairs about 5 months ago even if it is not red and does not hurt?

It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional if a large bump is still present after 5 months, regardless of pain or redness. The bump could be a hematoma, cyst, or other condition that may require medical attention for proper assessment and treatment.

Can you use shower gel to skin?

No because if you do you get a really bad itchy rash that turns red with bump and keeps you up all night it happened to me today.

Your paratakeet has a bump i need to know what should i do?

My Bugdie had a big red bump on its back. We had to put it down.

Red bump on back I have a red bump size of a penny .25 inch bumped up red hurts when I touch it. right on the spine line between shoulder blades.what is it?

a pimple on your bake

What STD causes a red bump?

It might be Syphilis.