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Q: Is a restaurant supposed to have a capital letter?
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In a sentence is the first and last letter supposed to be capital?

no. only the first letter should be in capital

What is correct French restaurant or French restaurant?

You should write French with a capital letter, so French restaurant is correct.

Is the p in past supposed to be capitalized?

No, past does not have to start with a capital letter.

Is Stonehenge supposed to be in capitals?

Yes, as Stonehenge is the name of a specific thing it should begin with a capital letter.

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What city is the restaurant capital?

Paris! x

What restaurant is in the Alec Baldwin Capital One ads?

The Restaurant Felix Bar in SOHO, NY

What are some capital goods for a pizza restaurant?

Some of the capital goods of a pizza restaurant would include the ovens, the pans, and the tables where patrons sit. If the company delivers their pizzas, the delivery vehicles would also be a capital good.

What restaurant begin with the letter eye?

"Eye Spit" on you!! :) Real restaurant

Is there a restaurant that starts with the letter x?

there is a restaurant called xin-xin.

What is the capital letter of Australia?

The capital letter of Australia is "C".

What is the Greek capital letter for Xi?

The Greek capital letter for Xi is Ξ.