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A rowing machine is not a suitable option for someone with a knee injury. It can place a lot of excessive pressure on the knee. It should probably be limited or not used at all, depending on the level of injury.

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Q: Is a rowing machine a suitable workout option for someone with a knee injury?
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It is recommended that you ease back slowly after any kind of injury. Wed md has a workout plan for those recovering from any injury and can be found at: www.wedmd/fitness exercise for beginners.

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Alpha Fuel 720 Try to build a routine that avoids muscle injury and keeps you motivated. Individuals who are just starting out with building muscle should curtail their tough workout to just two times a week, while someone with more experience should workout roughly three times each week.

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An elliptical is a great low-impact workout for people who are looking to burn a lot of calories with cardio. It's particularly good if you're doing rehab after an injury.

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That depends on what the injury is and whether a medical professional has cleared you for physical activity. It is important that you communicate with your fitness coach prior to joining any of their workouts. If you have an injury, he/she can advise you on suitability for the workout.

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it is basically on the type of injury it is. And or if it had harmed you in anyway. But no you can not be fired if someone dies at work

Is pilates a good choice for someone recovering from a knee injury?

Pilates are not the best choice for someone recovering from a knee injury. Some of the exercises actually put considerable strain on your legs and joints, and it is hard for novice exercises to identify in advance which exercises are going to put strain on their knees. The best activity for recovering from a knee injury is swimming. You can still get a good workout and exercise your muscles, yet no additional strain is being put on your joints. Of course, ask your doctor for the most effective exercises while you heal.