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Q: Is a salt substitute a pure substance?
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Is a salt substitute a mixture or pure substance?


Is salt solution a pure substance?

A salt solution is a homogeneous (uniform) mixture of salt and water, and is not a pure substance.

Is iodised table salt a pure substance or a mixture?

Salt, or table salt (NaCl) is a substance because NaCl is a compound. However, salt dissolved in water is a mixture because the sodium and chlorine ions dissociate.

Is salt water a pure substance and why?

no , its a mixture. salt is a pure substance, as is water, but togher they are a mixture.....

Is common salt crystal a pure substance?

salt crystal is a pure substance hope this helps xx

Is common salt are pure substance?

Common salt is a compound (NaCl), not a mixture and is a pure substance (after refining).

Is salt mixture or pure substance?

pure substance...since it is NaCl...a compound..

Is table salt a puresubstance?

Table salt is a pure substance. A pure substance is a substance has one type of molecule and one type of atom. Other pure substance are copper and liquid water.

Is kosher salt a pure substance?

Refined salt (sodium chloride) is a pure substance; but kosher salt is only an error because salt is an inorganic product..

Why is water and salt not a pure subatance?

ocean water is not a pure substance because it has to particles salt and water so there for it does not have a1 particle so it is a pure substance

Is sodium a pure substance or mixture?

Sodium (Na) is a pure substance, listed on the Periodic Table. Table salt however, is Sodium Chloride (NaCl), which is not a pure substance

Is a salt water a pure substances?

no, it's a mixture. Salt is a pure substance, as is water, but together they are a mixture.