

Is a seals teeth sharp

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Is a seals teeth sharp
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What are the defenses harp seals have?

sharp teeth, coarse fur.

How are niches of killer whales and polar bears different?

Killer whales have sharp teeth's seals,and they have canine teeth. Polar bears have sharp teeth's fish,and the also have canine teeth

Do harp seals usually bite?

Yes, they have sharp teeth and will attack if bothered.

How is a polar bear adapted to kill seals?

with it's sharp teeth and inhumane speed!

What do seals use their teeth for?

Seals use their teeth for opening food items like for example, clams or look up their other crustacean food sources that have hard shells. Anyway seals usually have many different sets of teeth. And to add to that they are very sharp too.

Do seals eat whales?

Killer whales do thats why they have sharp teeth.

How many chromosomes do harp seals have?

all have just a few sets but the harp has tons of sets

How do killer whales eat?

they eat sea lions, seals, all types of fish, and they jump out of water and they catch the sea bird also they stop them with their sharp teeth and eat them with their sharp teeth they have 56 teethto stop their prey with.

How do harp seals fight for territory?

The male harp seals fight for their territory by using their sharp teeth and muscular flippers. These territorial battles often end in serious injury to the loser.

Are ants teeth sharp?

no their teeth are not sharp

What are sharp teeth?

Sharp teeth are just teeth (the things in your mouth that you chew with) that are sharp or pointy.

How do fur seals kill there pray?

Fur seals are pescivorou, meaning they eat fish. They can catch fish because they are fast and maneuverable swimmers. They have sharp teeth for capturing the fish, which they swallow whole.