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There is no research on this since it's some kind of nature medicine used in the Philippines. I doubt it though since people would know for sure in that case. If you don't have a safe abortion provider where you are and is no more than 9 weeks you can get help with medication from a safe site like womenonweb.

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This is something some people claim as fol medicine in the Philippines but there is no research on this so we don't really know. And that means it is not considered safe.

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Q: Is a seed of mahogany can abort a 1month fetus?
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Can the seed from a mahogany tree be rooted?

It cannot be rooted but it can by sprouted.

When does the mahogany tree bare seeds?

I live in south Florida and have two Mahogany trees and they have seed pods on them right now...September 24th, 2009.

Can I plant a mahogany seed and grow a tree?

All mahogany trees were seeds at one time. They are tropical trees and can not tolerate freezing conditions. They do not live in deserts. So if you have the right climate, you can produce your tree.

Does woman have seed?

Technically, seed is a combination of egg and sperm, so neither man nor woman has seed, but both are required to produce seed. A seed is something that will germinate when fed, because it is already fertile and ready to grow. An embryo is a seed, and arguably a fetus is a seed of a human until it can survive on it's own.

How long does it take for a mahogany tree to grow?

Seed pods from mahogany trees should be harvested once they turn brown, harden, and crack. Harvested seeds should only be taken while still on the trees, not from the ground.

What should you do if you ate a tablespoon rancid flax seed oil and are pregnant?

It will possibly give you the runs but I don't think there will be any consequences for the fetus.

What is the relationship of mahogany seed in lowering the blood glucose?

Mahogany seeds were found have a glycemic effect on mice that had consumed alcohol. This clinical trial concluded that the defenses These studies involved rats, rather than humans. There is more testing to do before human trials can be conducted, but the preliminary results look promising.

Is a magnolia tree a conifer?

The Mahogany tree is an evergreen tree, however it is not a coniferous tree. It produces angiosperm seed in diploids. In other words it makes the little pair seeds like the American Maple tree.

Mattress that is eleven years old have bed bugs Could you see them?

Yes you can see the larger nymphs (young Bedbugs) and adults. Adult Bedbugs are mahogany colored and about the size of an apple seed.

How mahogany can effect pregnancy?

It can't unless you ate it. It is just a wood as any wood it doesn't affect people.If you refer to mahogany seed that I know some try to use as a abortificiant in the Philippine's, there is no research on it and it's very unsure how it actually works and if it works. So if you want a safe pregnancy there is no reason to eat it and if you look for a safe and sure abortion that is not the way to do it.

Is mahogany a hard wood?

Technically, mahogany is a hardwood. Not because of its density, but because of the type of seed it produces. Hardwood trees produce seeds with some type of shell, like a walnut, apple, or oak (acorn). Softwood seeds have no shell (and are often in cones), such as pine, fir, or cedar. Generally but not always, hardwood trees are deciduous (lose their leaves seasonally), while softwood trees are evergreen.

How does a seed gets its nourishment?

Seeds are initially given a small amount of nutrients to survive pre-germinal life, sort of like a chicken fetus has amniotic yolk around it before it hatches. After sprouting, however, the plant uses photosynthesis for nutrition.