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On the contrary, shadows (at least, those cast by sunlight) would be shortest at mid day and longest at sunset or sunrise, which is a phenomenon you can easily observe for yourself (which is why I have categorized this question under Science Experiments).

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Q: Is a shadow usually longer at mid day than at sunset?
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Is a shadow usually longer at mind-day than it is just before sunset?

No, shadows are shortest at mid day and longest at sunset.

Which date day become longer than night?

The first day in which the time from sunrise to sunset is longer than the time from sunset to sunrise is a few days before the vernal equinox.

Why is a shadow longer in the summer than winter?

In the summer, the sun is higher in the sky, casting shadows that are shorter. In the winter, the sun is lower in the sky, creating longer shadows. This difference in the angle of the sun's rays causes the length of shadows to vary between the seasons.

What are the lengths of shadow during the day?

There is no one answer to that as we'd need to know your height and location and at what time of the year to give a precise answer. Generally, though, we can say that at high-noon in summer, your shadow will have minimal length as the sun is more directly above you. At high-noon in winter, your shadow will be longer as the sun is much lower in the sky than in summer. Your shadow is longest at sunrise and sunset and will shorten until high-noon after which it will lengthen.

Is your shadow longer at 10 AM in the morning than 1 PM in afternoon?

10 am.

Do all shadows look the same?

The length of your shadow depends on the angle on the Sun.If it is noon your shadow will be shorter than if It was at 3pm or 9am for at those times your shadow Will be longer.

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In any one place, every object has a longer shadow in winter than it has in summer. That fact is an important clue to the reasons for winter and summer.

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A solar eclipse occurs when the moon casts a shadow on Earth. A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth casts a shadow on the moon. Since Earth is larger than the moon, it casts a larger shadow, resulting in a longer eclipse.

Why is your shadow shorter at noon and longest during sunrise and sunset?

During the summer your shadow can appear to be shorter. This appearance is in direct relation to the Earth's rotation around the sun.

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the lenght of both instruments can differ, but a flute is usually longer than a trumpet

Why does a lunar eclipse last longer than solar eclipse?

a lunar eclipse is when the earth's shadow is cast over the moon, while a solar eclipse is when the moon's shadow is cast over the earth. the earth is a lot bigger than the moon (obviously), so it will have a larger shadow that cover the moon, therefore lasting longer -- on the other hand, the moon (being much smaller than the earth) will cast a smaller shadow over the earth (not even covering the entire earth)

Why is the sunset more colorful than the sunrise?

Various colors are seen during sunrise and sunset because the light travelling through the air is scattered by air particles. Shorter wavelengths like blue and green scatter more than the longer wavelength of red and orange. At sunrise and sunset, the path of the light through the atmosphere is longer so no blue and green are visible and only red and orange light the sky. Sunset colors are more brilliant than sunrise because the evening air contains more particles as compared to the morning air.