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I have one and she is great!!

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Q: Is a sharpei and boxer mix a good family dog?
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Do boxer dogs love children?

boxer's make very good family pets and r very good with kids put get 1 as a pup to bring up with your kids i have a 2 and 3 year old and my boxer is grate with them they r a good dog for the family

What are some distinctive features a boxer has?

A boxer is a brave and nice family dog. They have a broad chest and big structure.It is well built as well as a good guard dog. It has pricked ears and short tail

Good name for a female boxer dog?

I think a good name for a female boxer is leila ali like the female boxer

What does the name Sharpay come from?

Sharpay is Chinese and it means sand skin Answer Sharpei is a dog breed. Sharpay, Sharpei. Same word, different spelling.

Can i become a reputable boxer dog breeder?

You can do anything you want to do! Get the breeding "in's and out's" from those in the know, particularly in the category of boxer dogs, and then... good luck with your boxer dog breeding!

Will a boxer take a bullet for you like a gsd?

Whether or not a Boxer dog will take a bullet for you like a gsd (German Shepherd dog)depends on the dog itself. If there is a good relationship between the owner and the Boxer, he will do whatever he can to protect you.

What dog would win in a fight between a shar pei and a pitball?

it could be sharpei but ive seen videos of sharpei pit bull mixes that are realy good at hunting and fighting. pitbull:perfect fighting dog German short haired pointer:perfect hunting dog new guinea singing dog:rarest dog(more rare than dingo and basenji) afghan hound or wippet:fastest dog breeds Irish greyhound:tallest dog chihuahua:smallest dog wana find out more? just ask me

A Chinese dog with wrinkled skin and a harsh bristly coat?

Sharpei or Shar Pei

My dog is a sharpei x boxer. I just felt her ears and one of them has a lot of slid on the ear flap. What does this mean?

What does 'slid' mean? At a guess: If one ear flap is swollen, usually with blood - a visit to a vet is needed to drain the blood away.

Should you get a Boston Terrier or boxer dog?

Whatever your personality matches with is best. But I would recomend the boxer. I have one and she is inteligent and never harms any member of the family. They are playful and sometimes grow big and also need exercise. It's a very good family pet

What is a good name for a boxer dog?

I think a good name spike or ted or tom(my)

What is the classification for boxer dog?

The Boxer is a member of the Working Dog Group.