

Is a shell an creature

Updated: 12/22/2022
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9y ago

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A shell is not a creature, but it can be part of one.

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Q: Is a shell an creature
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What creature has a row of eyes around its shell?

Llamas. With a shell. That has eyes around it.

Do seashells died?

The creature living inside the shell dies. The shell is generally left empty. The SHELL does not DIE!!

Is a cobra an mollusk?

A mollusk is a sea creature that lives within a shell. A cobra does not live in a shell.

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Where does a shell come from?

A living aquatic creature such as a snail, clam, or mollusk.

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a creature that has a hard outer shell and eats people

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Creature that has shell?

Many molluscs, such as snails, and also creatures like turtles and tortoises have shells.

Is a shell an igneous rock?

No. Igneous means formed from molten rock- and a shell was made by a living creature- not by fire. Shells can form sedimentary rocks, such as limestone.

What animals have symbiotic relations with periwinkle snails?

Periwinkles will out grow their shells, another creature will then take that shell and the periwinkle will take another old shell. This is an example of symbiosis. :)

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There are mean and they like to eat shrimp and worms and other shell creature.