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I spoke with a lawyer...Voluntary foreclosure could be better because it would only be 1 hit on your credit instead of having to go 180 days past due. You can offer the deed to your house if the bank will take it to prevent the bank from placing a judgment for any amount uncollected at the sale.

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Q: Is a short sale better for your credit than a voluntary foreclosure?
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Is a short sale better than foreclosure?

In most cases it is preferable to foreclosure. I disagree. A short Sale has less impact on your credit score than a foreclosure.

What is better a short sale or a foreclosure?

A short sale is always better. I will tell you why very definitively. When you purchase a home on a short sale you are helping a homeowner salvage their credit and dignity and helping them out of a bad situation. You are also preventing a large loss for the bank and getting a great deal for yourself. Everyone wins if it is done correctly. A foreclosure will have a very bad effect on a homeowner's credit and the bank will in most cases take a bigger loss than they would in a short sale. A sellers credit in a short sale will be damaged to a lesser extent than a foreclosure. In most circumstances if you have done a short sale you will not be able to get another loan for two to three years. In a foreclosure it is usually around five years before you can purchase another home.

How much foreclosure effect your credit rating?

A foreclosure will substantially reduce your credit score in the short term and will remain on your credit for 7 years. If you do not get into credit shock after a foreclosure and continue to add good credit to your profile, e.g. secure credit card and pay other bills in a time--you will see that it will not have as much affect on your score in about 24 to 36 months. Creditors are concern about what you have done in the last 24 months. Your credit score is rating in the following many: Your payment history is 35% of your score and the amount owed is 30%, the length of time you have your credit is 15%, so the older is the better, the type of credit is 10%, and new credit is 10%. It is best that you keep this in mind and do not continue to improve your credit after a foreclosure.

Is it better to short sale a house or refinance to get credit in good standing?

It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.

How long does a short sale affect your credit?

Iam bout to lose my house soon, getting divorce!. is it recommended to do a short sale? I am concerned about 1099-C taxes I have to pay to IRS and how bad my credit will be if I want to get a cheaper property later on. does enybody know how much afeccts short sales, is it better than a foreclosure! Thanks

Related questions

Is a short sale better than foreclosure?

In most cases it is preferable to foreclosure. I disagree. A short Sale has less impact on your credit score than a foreclosure.

What happens to your credit on a short sale?

A short sale will have a detrimental affect on your credit record but not as bad as a foreclosure.

How does short sell affect credit?

It all depends on how late or how many payments you were late when you start the short sale. In most cases if you get a successful short and your home gets sold it is a lot better than having a foreclosure on your credit report.

What is better a short sale or a foreclosure?

A short sale is always better. I will tell you why very definitively. When you purchase a home on a short sale you are helping a homeowner salvage their credit and dignity and helping them out of a bad situation. You are also preventing a large loss for the bank and getting a great deal for yourself. Everyone wins if it is done correctly. A foreclosure will have a very bad effect on a homeowner's credit and the bank will in most cases take a bigger loss than they would in a short sale. A sellers credit in a short sale will be damaged to a lesser extent than a foreclosure. In most circumstances if you have done a short sale you will not be able to get another loan for two to three years. In a foreclosure it is usually around five years before you can purchase another home.

How much foreclosure effect your credit rating?

A foreclosure will substantially reduce your credit score in the short term and will remain on your credit for 7 years. If you do not get into credit shock after a foreclosure and continue to add good credit to your profile, e.g. secure credit card and pay other bills in a time--you will see that it will not have as much affect on your score in about 24 to 36 months. Creditors are concern about what you have done in the last 24 months. Your credit score is rating in the following many: Your payment history is 35% of your score and the amount owed is 30%, the length of time you have your credit is 15%, so the older is the better, the type of credit is 10%, and new credit is 10%. It is best that you keep this in mind and do not continue to improve your credit after a foreclosure.

Is it better to short sale a house or refinance to get credit in good standing?

It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.

How long does a short sale affect your credit?

Iam bout to lose my house soon, getting divorce!. is it recommended to do a short sale? I am concerned about 1099-C taxes I have to pay to IRS and how bad my credit will be if I want to get a cheaper property later on. does enybody know how much afeccts short sales, is it better than a foreclosure! Thanks

Do the credit rating agencies look at a mortgage settlement in a negative way will they look at it like a foreclosure and how long will this be on your credit report?

If the home was a short sale, many investors will view that like a foreclosure. Please proved more details on the type of transaction this was.

If foreclosure proceedings are started but the loan was reinstated will it show negatively on a credit report?

Yes. Foreclosure proceedings do not begin in most states until you are a number of months behind in payments. That will negatively impact your credit report. I had foreclosure proceedings begin on my home, but I was able to short sell the home before it went to auction. On my credit report it says, "loan was paid for less than amount owed".

How will a short sale effect your credit score?

A short sale can have a negative impact on your credit score because it indicates that you were not able to repay the full amount of the mortgage. It may lower your credit score by several points, depending on your current score and credit history. However, the impact may be less severe than a foreclosure.

What is the difference between a foreclosure and short sale?

A foreclosure is the surrender of the property to the lien holder for nonpayment of the debt. A short sale is the sale of the property before the completion of the foreclosure in an attempt by the home buyer and the lender to avoid foreclosure proceedings.

Foreclosure vs short sale?

Ultimately the impact of a foreclosure to your credit rating and ability to borrow in the future is reason to choose the short sale over the foreclosure. Lenders will look more favorably upon a potential borrower that tried to work with the bank (via short sale) opposed to one who just walked away. The short sale process, when handled properly, can even result in a favorable narrative on your credit report, which will minimize the impact to your score. When looking for a short sale specialist, I suggest you make sure that agent has a trained mitigator that will negotiate with the bank on your behalf. Also, the agent you choose should have experience in the short sale market. Hope this helps! If you need more information or have other questions, just ask.