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Q: Is a star more stable in the main sequence phase or in the giant phase?
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What is the phase that occurs after a main sequence star?

a red giant

What order does a nebula occur and becomes a main sequence star and then a giant?

main sequence,giant then nebula

How would you arrange this in order red giant white dwarf and main sequence?

Main-sequence,red giant,white dwarf.

Does a red main sequence star have fusion?

A red main sequence star would be a red dwarf or a branch red giant. To be on the main sequence, you have to have hydrogen nuclear fusion.

What is the present stage in the life of the sun?

The Main Sequence stage.

Is a red giant star considered to be a main sequence star?

No. Red giants are not on the main sequence.

What is the step after main sequence in a stars life?

After the main sequence, a star becomes a red giant.

Is the sun classified as a Red Giant Star?

No. The Sun is a main-sequence star. It will not be a red giant for another 5 billion years.(see related link for an image of what the Sun would look like in its red giant phase

What comes after the main sequence stage?

red giant

What is a stable stage in the life cycle of a star?

The "main sequence".

What phase do stars end their main sequence as?

red supergiant

Which stage follows a main sequence star?

Red Giant