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The box jellyfish is the most venomous; the arrow frog the most poisonous. Poisonous and venomous are not the same thing.

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Q: Is a stonefish more venomous then a box jellyfish?
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How does the box jellyfish survive?

The box jellyfish survives with its venomous stinging cells

The most poisonous fish?

Stonefish poison is incredibly toxic. The poison sacs are in the base of the dorsal spines. Step on one of these guys and he'll put the big hurt on you. Got a link for ya if you want it. Wikipedia has pictures as well as an informative article.While the Stonefish is undoubtedly extremely venomous there are others which may be more dangerous - the Box Jellyfish for one as well as another very small jellyfish calledIrukandji jellyfishstone fish

What is the deadliest animial?

Most venomous- The box jellyfish.

What is the most venomous invert?

Probably members of the 'box jellyfish' family !

What is Australia's most venomous animal?

The Inland Taipan (a snake) is Australia's most venomous land animal. Australia's most venomous creature is the Box jellyfish.

What animals live at bondi beach?

The animals that live at bondi bach are: stonefish, box jellyfish, blue ringed octopi and lifeguards!

Is the box jellyfish the third most venomous creature known to science?

Box jellies are number one on that list.

What marine animals live at Bondi Beach?

They are: Box jellyfish, blue ringed octopus and stonefish! Alice xxx P.S I love Harry Styles!

Which is most piosness animal?

It depends on what you mean. Do you want the most poisonous or the most venomous? the most poisonous animal is probably the poison arrow frog. The most venomous is the box jellyfish.

What is the name of some venomous ocean animals?

Well one is a stone fish another is a cone snail. Another is a box jellyfish. Also there is even a venomous shark. That would be the spiny dogfish There are also more fish like the lion fish and scorpion fish.

What kinds of fish should you stay away from in the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is home to some beautiful fish, but a few varieties of fish and other marine creatures are highly venomous, and should definitely be avoided. These include: * Stonefish * Lion-fish * Stingrays * Cone shells * Box jellyfish and irukandji * Blue ring octopus

What is the most venomous living being?

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is the most toxic spider. The Inland Taipan is the most venomous snake, it carries enough venom to kill 100 adults. In the marine world, the Stonefish is the worst although the Blue Ringed Octopus has enough venom to kill 26 adults. Maybe the worst is the Box Jellyfish, they kill more people that any other species, particularly in Australia. Since records started in 1884 it has killed more than 5500 people. The sting is so painfull, people continue to scream long after they are unconsious.