

Is a tail conciderd a limb?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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6y ago

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Definitions of appendage on the Web: * extremity: an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm" * process: a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; "a bony process" * a part that is joined to something larger

* An appendage in the broadest sense is an additional or subsidiary part existing on, or added to, something which can generally still function if the appendage has never existed or is later provided or grown, or will still perform a primary function if the appendage is removed. you tell me.

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14y ago

Copied from Wikipedia

A vertebra (plural: vertebrae) is an individual bone in the flexible column that defines vertebrate animals, e.g. humans. Thevertebral column encases and protects the spinal cord, which runs from the base of the cranium down the dorsal side of the animal until reaching the pelvis. From there, vertebra continue into the tail.

Vertebrae are defined by the regions of the vertebral column they occur in. Cervical vertebrae are those in the neck area. With exception of two sloth species (Choleopus and Bradypus) and the manatee (Trichechus) all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae[1]. In other vertebrates it can range from a single vertebra in amphibians, to as many as 25 in swans or 76 in the extinctplesiosaur Elasmosaurus. The dorsal vertebrae range from the bottom of the neck to the top of the pelvis. Dorsal vertebrae attached to ribs are called thoracic vertebrae, while those without ribs are called lumbar vertebrae. The sacral vertebrae are those in the pelvic region, and range from one in amphibians, to two in most birds and modern reptiles, or up to 3 to 5 in mammals. When more than one sacral vertebrae are fused into a single structure, it is called the sacrum. The synsacrum is a similar fused structure found in birds that is composed of the sacral, lumbar, and some of the thoracic and caudal vertebra, as well as the pelvic girdle. Caudal vertebra compose the tail, and the final few can be fused into the pygostyle in birds, or into the coccygeal or tail bone inchimpanzees or humans.

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