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Q: Is a taxi cab company liable for passenger injuries in an accident?
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You live in ga but was passenger in a car in Florida whos ins pays for your injuries?

This question is not very clear. But a passenger cannot be held liable for injuries under most circumstances. Unless said passenger is also the owner or insurance policy holder of the car found at fault in an accident. Where you live, and where the accident occurred is irrelevant.

If the driver of a car is liable for an accident who is liable the owner of the car or the driver's insurance company?

The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.

Is the company liable if an employee was asked to take another employee to the hospital and has an accident during the trip?

In General No, The party that caused the accident is liable. However, If You were driving a company provided vehicle a the time of the accident, then the company may have some secondary financial liability depending on the circumstances of the accident.

Can a passenger in a vehicle sue driver of that vehicle?

Yes. If the passenger is hurt in an accident caused by the driver, the passenger is fully entitled to sue the driver. In fact even if the passenger is a spouse of the driver, the passenger can sue.

What is the consequence to the driver who is at fault in a car accident?

Usually liable for all damages and injuries, and may be criminally charged if there is a resulting death.

Didn't have insurance on spouse truck drove had accident.?

The owner of the truck is liable for all damages and injuries as a result of an accident if found at fault. Normally these would be paid by the insurance company if there was an existing policy. Insurance policies are far cheaper than paying these expenses out of pocket.

Can a company be held liable for an accident if they didn't keep up with their lot.?

Yes, they could be held liable, but only if the negligence is contributable to a loss

When the Passenger opens door and jumps out and is injured can the driver or owner of the vehicle be held liable?

Nope... The passenger's actions are their own ! If they choose to open the door of a moving vehicle - they are responsible for their own injuries !

If a company didn't keep up with their lot creating hazardous conditions can they be held liable for an accident?

Yes, But only if it can be established that the lack of care contributed to the accident.

Is there a law that says if you have a medical condition and have a car accident you wont be held liable?

NoBut you may not be criminally responsible, or put another way you may not get sent to jail.Added: However you, and/or your insurance company, WILL be held financially responsible for the the damages and/or injuries you may have caused.

When in an accident and not at fault. Can the other party get away with not paying a claim saying it was caused by a medical condition?

NO, If they were at fault then they were at fault and are liable for the damages and injuries they caused. If a medical condition was a contributory cause of the accident, that has no effect on their legal liability.

Who is liable in a multi-car accident?

The person that is responsible for the accident.