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A thousandth is smaller than a hundredth in the way that .01(a hundreth) is larger than .001(a thousandth).learn how 2 spell first of all. but good answer and improve in spelling and grammar.

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Q: Is a thousandth a larger number than a hundredth?
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10 cm equals how many mm?

10. Remember that centi- is hundredth and milli- is thousandth, and a hundredth is 10 times larger than a thousandth.

Which is bigger one thousandth or one hundredth?

One hundredth is larger than one thousandth. The first divides an item into 100 sections, while the second would divide the item into 1000 sections (ten times smaller than the first).

Are thousandths smaller than hundredths?

Yes. Thousandth is 10 times smaller.A thousandth is 10 percent of a hundredth. That's smaller.

Which number is larger .566 0.01?

the larger number is .566 because a tenth is bigger than a hundredth.

How do you round 7856.427 to the nearest hundredth?

after the decimal it is (from left to right) tenth, hundredth, thousandth etc.. if the thousandth is equal to or greater than five, you round the hundredth up. In this case you would get: 7856.43

Is one hundredth larger than ten hundredth?


How do you round 29.005 to the nearest hundredth?

To round 29.005 to the nearest hundredth, look at the digit in the thousandth place, which is 5. Since it is greater than 5, you would round the number up. The nearest hundredth would be 29.01.

What is 6.9937 rounded to the nearest hundreth?

Because the number in the thousandth position is less than 5, 6.9937 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 6.99.

What number is larger 0.1 or .001?

the larger number is 0.1 because a tenth, which is the first place value after the decimal is bigger than a thousandth, which is the third number after the decimal.

Which is greater centiliter or mililiter?

centi means one hundredth (1/100) milli is 1 thousandth (1/1000) therefore centilitre is 10 times larger than millilitre

Round 178.8666 by the nearest thousandth?

okay so the number is 178.8666. where is the thousandth spot you may ask? it would be after the decimal, but where? well the first spot after the decimal (8) is the tenths. the second place (6) is the hundredth. the third place (6) is the thousandth.Great! we found the thousandth spot. next, is the number after the thousandth spot a) greater than 4 or b) less than 4? if the number is greater than 4, you add one number to the thousandth spot (the number would then be 178.867). if the number is 4 or less, you leave the thousandth number the same (the number would then be 178.866).wow! you just learned how to round! wasn't that a first grade tool?

How do you Round 721.3276 to the nearest hundredth?

To round 721.3276 to the nearest hundredth, look at the digit in the thousandth place (2) and determine if it is 5 or greater. Since it is greater than 5, you round up the digit in the hundredth place (7), resulting in the rounded number 721.33.