

Is a tornado going to happen?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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10y ago

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Somewehere, eventually, yes. In the United States alone, even in the quietest time of the year we generally don't go more than a few weeks without a tornado touching down somewhere. However, we cannot predicte exactly where or when the next one will occur.

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When is Arizona going to have or next tornado?

It is impossible to predict when the next tornado will happen anywhere.

Is there going to be a tornado in New York?

Eventually, yes. New York, both the state and the city, get tornadoes. However, there is no way of known when these tornado will happen.

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Tornado Watch is where there is a Tornado comming near the area where u live or maybe somewhere else. The news calls it a Tornado Watch. Tornado Watch is where a Tornado comes and people watch when it comes nearest to them so they could keepwatch on what is going to happen.

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Can A Tornado Happen With No Clouds?

No, it can not happen. You will always need a cloud to form a tornado. The kind of cloud that a tornado uses is a cumulonimbus cloud.

Is there a way to tell people a tornado is going to happen?

Yes. Information on tornado warnings is broadcast through TV, radio, and smartphone apps. In some areas, sirens will sound.

Can a tornado happen in a house?

A tornado can hit a house, but cannot happen indoors.

Where does a tornado happen?

in tornado alley which is in Texas and states close to it

Does a tornado start at the eqautor?

No most tornado strikes happen in the Midwest in tornado valley but they can happen any where but mainly in middle March to early October

What will happen if tornado goes to a different tornado?

When two tornadoes meet they merge to form a larger tornado. This is an unusual occurrence, but when it does happen it usually involves a large tornado absorbing a smaller one.

How does a chemical tornado happen?

There is not such thing as a "chemical tornado" a tornado is the result of thermodynamic physical processes.

When was Gradually Going Tornado created?

Gradually Going Tornado was created in 1980-02.