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not all the time there may be trees bigger than the canopy like in Australia is a tropical rainforest but whit only the canopy

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Q: Is a tropical rainforest the only rainforest with the emergent layer?
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Which layer of a rainforest does a peacock live in?

Most macaws live in the emergent layer in the rainforest, but some species, such as Red-fronted macaws, live in swampy areas within rainforests, while Scarlet macaws tend to favour lowlands. The rainforest is not the only habitat in which they are found. Two other species, Scarlet macaws and Military macaws, are known to live in Mexico. Red-fronted macaws, which live in Bolivia, inhabit semi-arid areas, living in cavities in cliff faces.

What animal in the tropical rainforest eats a bamboo?

pandas they dont only live in china they also llve in tropical rainforest

Can the tropical rain forest be found in the temperate zone?

A tropical rainforest cannot be found in a temperate zone, only tropical. But a temperate rainforest can be found in a temperate zone.

What plants are in the emergent layer of the rainforest?

In the top layer of the rainforest, also known as the emergent layer you can find all sorts of animals. You can find types of birds like Tucans, Humming birds, Eagles and Hawks.You can find tons of other animals like Sloths, Snakes, Spider Monkeys, and for insects you can find tons of Butterflies and Misquitoes.

Are there turtles in the rainforest?

Bangle Tigers do live in tropical rainforest's but in India only

What are the 2 different types of rainforest?

tropical and temperate

How much sunlight gets to the canopy layer of the rain forest?

All places on earth get sunlight. :-) Seriously, I live in a temperate rainforest here in the Pacific Northwest, and it gets plenty of sunlight. It is a mixture of sunlight AND rain that makes a rainforest grow.

How is a rainforest like a home?

A rainforest is like a home because a rainforest has various materials that need to be used only in a rainforest and in a house there is materials that can only be used in a house. Also a rainforest has layers of rock a sand also dirt so a house has an upstairs layer, a downstairs layer and a under ground layer of dirt! By Teresa Ameneiro

What animals only live in tropical rain forests?

rainforest frog

Where does a live bush baby?

in a bush? only kidding, a tropical rainforest

Where are Tropical rain forests located and what is there structure?

There is the forest floor, which is a dark and pretty gloomy place. Most of the bigger animals and insects live here... Then the understorey, which is a dark but suitable place for insects, bats, birds and possibly a few primates. Then we come to the canopy, which is lighter than the understorey or forest floor and birds, bats, butterflies, snakes, lizards and still insects. Then the emergent layer, which only a few trees grow up to and lots of birds, insects, that sort of stuff live here.

What animal live in the emergent layer?

The "emergent layer" is the uppermost layer of a rainforest, where only the tallest treetops emerge from the canopy below. It is inhabited by monkeys, large birds (such as the macaw and the harpy eagle), climbing snakes, bats, and flying insects such as butterflies.