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One should have such items checked by a qualified repair person before using them after having been through a catastrophic situation such as this. It's the hidden and unseen things inside that may cause serious problems - An AC Technician will be able to spot those things almost immediately.

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Q: Is a window air conditioner safe to use after being exposed to smoke from house fire?
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How do you circulate the cold air from a window air conditioner to other parts of a house?

Buy a fan! It will circulate the air!

What does exposed persons mean?

exposed means left or being without shelter or protection: The house stoodon a windy, exposed cliff.

Can you keep a window open in your house if the air conditioner is on?

Yes but you are just wasting your money as all the cool air will be going out the windows.

Does opening windows in the morning make the air conditioner run more to get the humidity out?

Yes if it is humid outside in the morning How does it get humidity out of the house if the window is open?

What are the benefits of installing a central air conditioner?

There are many benefits to installing a central air conditioner. This will allow one to control the temperature of their house, and remain cool and comfortable during the summer months. It also has many benefits over a window mounted air conditioner, as central air allows each room in the house to be cooled equally.

How do you get exposed to the flu?

You get the Flu be generally being with people that are infected. You can also get them by being in a unclean atmosphere or house/bulding.

How do you get into the house on poptropica in ghost island?

First, you must have played the violin after being after being given it by the hotel. Next you will be ushered to the house by the woman in the window. After looking at the window through the binoculars, jump on the tent and into the side of the house via cellar then when you find the telescope, look at everything you can and the woman in the window will suprise you.

If a house is sold without an HVAC unit what does that mean?

It means that it does not have an air conditioner or furnace installed. HVAC stands for "heating, ventilating, and cooling". HVAC is an integrated system that is not free standing, like a window air conditioner or heater.

What air conditioning tools are needed for connection?

This answer depends on if the air conditioner is portable or permanent. With a portable air conditioner you need a hose (if equipped, this comes with the free standing air conditioners) to vent out the hot air. But with the air conditioner that sits in the window you need a screw driver, screws and plastic curtains that go around the air conditioner to block off the rest of the window. On a permanent air conditioner that is built in the house it is best to have a professional install it because they are licensed to do so and will be equipped with all the tools needed.

Does a window air conditioner need to be on an angle or should it be level?

It has to be on a slight downward slope from your house so the condensation can drain otherwise it will leak into your dwelling. as far as the angle I do not know.

Can a window mount air conditioner be used as a wall mount air conditioner?

Certainly! I mounted a Kenmore 18000 BTU window unit through the wall several years ago and it cools my small house just fine. Just be sure that it tilts down a little at the outside so condensation will drip outside and not all over your floor!

Should you turn off the air conditioner if there are gas fumes in the house?

If it is a window air conditioner, then you shouldn't worry about gas fumes affecting it. If you have gas fumes in your house (that you know shouldn't be there), then call your gas company because this could be serious. Also, don't light anything (candles, stove, etc.) because that could be disastrous.