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Yarrow root is used for herbal medicine. Put a piece of yarrow root next to your toothache.

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Q: Is a yarrow plants roots edible?
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Are the roots of a spider plant edible?

Spider plants are in the lily family, related to day lilies, which have edible tuberous roots. So, technically spider plant roots should be edible by the definition of being non-toxic. However, I would not recommend eating your decorative house plants.

How do you prune yarrow?

Prune yarrow by deadheading the flowers as they dry. You can divide the roots and share your yarrow with another gardener.

Is root of ipomoea Lime or sweet potato plant edible?

No Ipomoea plants do not have edible roots. They are grown for their foliage only.

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Buttress roots are not edible.

What are you eating when you eat the food from plants?

When you are eating plants, you are eating the sugars that the plant created from sunlight. Some plants have edible leaves, other have edible stalks or roots. Others create fruits for us to eat.

What is a biscuitroot?

A biscuitroot is any of a number of North American plants in the genus Lomatium, with edible, starchy roots.

When do you deadhead yarrow?

You deadhead yarrow plants by cutting off the faded flower blossom.

What botanical family of plants is the yarrow plant a member of?

Yarrow is a member of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family.

In some plants such as carrots and beets the roots do more than provide support What else do they do?

they provide nutrition, as they are edible

What things are grown?

Plants ranging from grasses to edible crops (cereals and roots, etc) are grown on fields:

Are Jack-in-the-pulpit roots edible?

Jack-in-the-pulpit roots are edible, but only after drying and cooking it.

Is yarrow a flower?

Yarrow is a common name for certain species of flowering plants in the genus Achillea, especially the species Achillea millefolium. Another name for yarrow is "bloodwort".