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it is a mutation of the gene FRG3 in chromosome 4

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Q: Is achondroplastic dwarfism a gene malfunction or mutation?
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What disease that is called by a mutation in the gene that codes for somatostatin?

Autism Dwarfism

Can you inherit illnesses from your parents?

If you mean the Flu or anything like that no, but if it is something like dwarfism, ALD, or a gene mutation then yes.

Is dwarfism located on a particular chromosome?

Many inherited disorders in humans are controlled by a single gene. Achondroplasia is a form of dwarfism. About one out of 25,000 people has achondroplasia. The homozygous dominant genotype causes death of the embryo, and therefore only heterozygotes, individuals with a single copy of the defective allele, have this disorder. This also mean that a person with achondroplasia has a 50% chance of passing the condition on to any children. Achondroplasia is a recessive allele.

Whats a change in gene or chromosome?

A change in a gene or chromosome is called a: Mutation

Who is considered a legal midget?

There is no such thing as a legal midget.The word midget is considered to be offensive and is normally used to describe someone with dwarfism. Dwarfism is a genetic condition. Unless you suffer from a gene mutation like achondroplasia, you are not a dwarf ... legal or illegal.

Are mutations heritable?

If a mutation occurs in a sex cell, then it may be inherited. Any mutation to the somatic cells will not be passed on.

A mutation that involves a single nucleotide is called a(an)?

Point Mutation- a type of gene mutation in which only a single nucleotide in a gene has been changed.

What is the term for any permanent change in a gene of chromosome?

The permanent change in a gene or a chromosome is called Mutation.

What is the sudden change in a gene called?

The sudden change in a gene is called a mutation.

What is a detrimental gene?

A deleterious mutation has a negative effect on the phenotype, and thus decreases the fitness of the organism. (A harmful mutation)

Is Huntington's Disease a gene mutation?

No, it's caused by a single point mutation of a gene.

What is the effects of mutation?

A mutation is a permenent in DNA sequence of a gene,mutation in a gene's DNA sequence can alterthe aminoacid sequence of the protein encodedby the gene.