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One type of dwarfism that is a point mutation is achondroplasia.

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Q: What type of point mutation is dwarfism?
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Is achondroplastic dwarfism a gene malfunction or mutation?

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A mutation that involves a single nucleotide is called a(an)?

Point Mutation- a type of gene mutation in which only a single nucleotide in a gene has been changed.

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It can embarras you alot.

Which of theses is not a type of point mutation?


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What type of mutation is a point mutation?

A point mutation is when 1 base pair is swapped out for another one... so instead of an A you might find a C... or T... or G. Also an insertion or deletion of a base pair A mutation of a single point :)

Mutations that change one or just a few of nucleotides in a gene on a chromosome are called what?

the correct answer is C. a substitution i know this cause i have this book to this question and point mutation is not one of the answer and i found the answer in the book -No its substituton you jack wagon your books wrong

Mutation that involves a single nucleotide is called?

Point Mutation is the mutation that involves a single or few nucleotide. This type of mutation replaces a single nucleotide to another.

Will a point mutation cause the cell to make an incomplete polypeptide if the mutation results in a stop codon?

Yes, a point mutation will cause the cell to make an incompelete polypeptide chain that is non-functional, if the mutation results in a stop codon. This type of a mutation is also called as the Nonsense Mutation.

A change in a single nucleotide in DNA-?

A mutation