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Q: Is action baking powder in cooking a cake a physical change?
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Related questions

Is Action of baking powder in cooking a cake is physical or chemical change?

The thermal decomposition of baking powder is a chemical change.

Is action of baking powder in cooking a cake a physical or chemical change?

The thermal decomposition of baking powder is a chemical change.

When a cake is baking is it a physical or chemical change?

Cooking involve chemical changes.

Cooking an apple is chemical or physical change?

cooking an apple is causing a physical change because in a physical change, the IDENTITY of the substance never changes. (identity=atomic makeup. in a chemical change, the IDENTITY does change, due to a chemical reaction. because there is no change in the identity of the apple, baking it is a physical change

Is baking of potato a physical or chemical change?

Yes, baking a potato would be considered a chemical change. Typically, anything that involves heat, such as in cooking, is a chemical change due to molecules being chemically altered.

Is baking a cake a physical or chemical change?

Baking is a chemical change.

Is baking bread physical change?

bread is a chemical change, not a physical change

Is baking cookies physical or chemical change?

Baking cookies is a chemical change.

Is cookies baking a chemical or a physical change?

Baking cookies is a chemical change.

Is cooking oatmeal a physical change or chemical change?

Cooking oatmeal is a chemical change.

Is cooking chemical or physical change?

yes, cooking is a physical change. Mostly stuff that are cooked are chemical changes

Is cooking noddles a chemical or physical change?

It's a physical change.