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No, action research is typically considered to be an inductive approach. In action research, observations and data from the field are used to generate hypotheses or theories, rather than starting with a pre-determined hypothesis and testing it through data collection. It involves a cyclical process of observation, reflection, planning, and action to bring about change and improvement.

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Q: Is action research deductive
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What is the difference between applied research and action research?

Applied research focuses on solving practical problems through the application of existing knowledge and theories, while action research involves engaging stakeholders in identifying issues, taking action, and reflecting on the outcomes to drive change and improvement. Action research is more collaborative, participatory, and iterative compared to applied research.

What is deductive analysis?

Deductive analysis is a method of reasoning that involves making specific conclusions based on general principles or theories. It starts with a hypothesis and then tests it against available evidence in order to reach a logical conclusion. This approach is commonly used in mathematics, philosophy, and scientific research to establish relationships between ideas.

What is hypothetical deductive thought?

Hypothetical deductive thought is a way of reasoning where one starts with a hypothesis or assumption and then deduces logical consequences from it to test its validity. It involves creating a logical structure to predict outcomes and then testing these predictions through observation or experimentation. This method is commonly used in scientific research to develop and test theories.

How is educational research classified?

Educational research can be classified into different categories such as quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed methods research, action research, and experimental research. These classifications are based on the research methods, approaches, and design used to answer research questions in the field of education.

Difference between deductive and inductive research with example?

Inductive research starts off with specific observations and move toward general ideas or theory to capture what they show. (Qualitative) Deductive Research starts with a general idea or theory and then moves to test it by looking at specific observations. (Quantitative)

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What is the difference between inductive and deductive approaches to research?

Inductive research involves collecting data, identifying patterns, and developing theories based on those patterns, while deductive research starts with a hypothesis and uses data to test and confirm or reject that hypothesis. Inductive research is exploratory and generates new theories, while deductive research is confirmatory, testing existing theories.

Is deductive or inductive research more applicable to policy formulation and policy evaluation?

Inductive research is more applicable to policy formulation and policy evaluation.

Scope of action research on teachers?

action research scope

What is the Definition of deductive research?

It refers to specific data obtained from a general theory. The theory leads to predictions about what is likely going on. For example, a hypothesis follows this as it is a theory-based prediction. A problem of deductive research is the biased imposed on people as one is more likely to see what they want to see in order the prove their theory and fail to see other circumstances which could have led to the results obtained.

What is the difference between applied research and action research?

Applied research focuses on solving practical problems through the application of existing knowledge and theories, while action research involves engaging stakeholders in identifying issues, taking action, and reflecting on the outcomes to drive change and improvement. Action research is more collaborative, participatory, and iterative compared to applied research.

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What is the most important step in action research?

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