

Is ahi or saku tuna line caught?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is ahi or saku tuna line caught?
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Related questions

What is an ahi?

An ahi is another name for the yellowfin tuna.

What are the possible definitions of ahi?

There are only a couple of definitions for the word "ahi". They both have to do with types of tuna fish. It is a Japanese word. They are the yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna.

How do you spell tuna?

A type of tuna spelled with three letters is 'ahi' tuna.

Can you get dizzy from ahi tuna?

sometimes it depends on whats in it

How many clories in ahi tuna?

300 clories

What do hawaiians call tuna?

'ahi [ah-hee]

What is sometimes called the other red meat by what name is the Hawaiian fish called the ahi also known?

Yellowfin tuna or Bigeye tuna are both called ahi in Hawaii.

What type of tuna is ahi tuna?

Yellowfin......and Big Eye Tuna. Ahi literal translation in Hawaiian is Smoke, which refers to the smoke that was produced when ancient Hawaiian would hook these fish on there hand lines. The fishermen would fish with the hand lines around a dowel, like a modern day drag system. As the line went screaming out the hemp type line would actually produce smoke. Ahi is freely used for both species in Hawaii.

Name of ocean creature that starts with letter A?

The Angelfish The Angler Fish Ahi Tuna

What kind of fish name starts with A?

Ahi Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Abalone (more of a mollusc than a fish though) to name a few

What type of fish do Hawaiians eat?

The most important fish in the Hawaiian diet is the yellowfin tuna, also referred to as ahi tuna. Albacore tuna are also high on the list. As is a fish by the Hawaiian name of: Humuhumunukunukuapuaʻa which means "triggerfish". Most Hawaii residents will eat just about any fish caught in the ocean, including shark.

What are other names for the albacore tuna?

The albacore tuna has a variety of different names that people use to refer to it. Some of these include pigfish, Pacific albacore, tombo ahi and longfin.