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Q: Is air pressure more or less than outside the body when you inhale?
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What causes the air pressure in your lungs to decrease and make you inhale?

When you inhale, oxygen fills your lungs. Next the oxygen diffuses out of your lungs into your bloodstream. The diffusion of oxygen from the lungs causes less pressure in your lungs signaling your brain that you need to inhale.

How often does oxygen cycle through the atmosphere?

oxygen is a constant 20 percent throughout the atmosphere. Even in space but the air is so thin in space that the oxygen would have to be compressed to be able to breathe it. Here on earth at sea level the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 pounds per square inch (PSI) making it possible for your body to inhale enough usable oxygen for you to breathe. As you go higher the pressure is less so even though the oxygen is still 20% of the atmosphere there is less atmosphere for you to breathe.

Which two systems carry oxygen from outside of your body to the cells of your body?

i don't really know and i could honesty care less! and by the way i wont to rap u in bed

How can you increase the volume of a balloon without increasing the temperature?

Decrease the pressure of the surrounding environment. Thus, the force acting on the balloon from the outside decreases, allowing the air pressure that creates a force inside the balloon to have less of a counteracting force.

What explains shortness of breath in high altitudes?

Shortness of breath at high altitudes is primarily due to lower oxygen levels in the air, leading to decreased oxygen saturation in the blood. This causes the body to breathe faster and deeper to maintain adequate oxygen supply to tissues. Additionally, the body may increase the production of red blood cells over time to improve oxygen carrying capacity.

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What happens if the air pressure in the throat and outside is less than the air pressure in your middle ear when you swallow?

if the aie pressure in the throat and outside the body is less than the air pressure in your middle ear when you swallow the air pressure in your middle ear reaches the same pressure as the air in your throat and outside , and the eardrum moves quickly back-or'pops' into place

What is the total pressure a lung exerts while breathing out?

During exhaling, air out of lungs, diaphragm is pushed upward and hence partial pressure in the ribs increases and the pressure outside the body is little less so air goes out of the body. During inhalation exact opposite of exhalation occurs Total pressure = partial pressure outside our body + partial pressure inside our body

How does atmosphere pressure change as you move up from sea level?

as you move up from sea level, the atmospheric pressure decreases. At higher elevations, theres less air above you so therefor less air pressure. When the air pressure outside your body decreases, the air pressure inside also decreases (slowly).

What causes the air pressure in your lungs to decrease and make you inhale?

When you inhale, oxygen fills your lungs. Next the oxygen diffuses out of your lungs into your bloodstream. The diffusion of oxygen from the lungs causes less pressure in your lungs signaling your brain that you need to inhale.

How does atmospheric pressure change as you move up away from sea level?

as you move up from sea level, the atmospheric pressure decreases. At higher elevations, theres less air above you so therefor less air pressure. When the air pressure outside your body decreases, the air pressure inside also decreases (slowly).

How does carbon dioxide increase breathing rate?

High levels of carbon dioxide in the blood can trigger the body's respiratory system to increase breathing rate in order to get rid of excess carbon dioxide. The brain senses the increase in carbon dioxide and signals the respiratory muscles to breathe more rapidly to eliminate it from the body.

What is the best definition for a squeeze when its related to diving?

Effects of Increasing Pressure when diving which results in pain or discomfort in your body's air spaces. A squeeze is best defined as a condition that causes pain and discomfort when the pressure INSIDE an air space of your body is LESS than the pressure OUTSIDE an airspace.

Circle the letter of the best definition for a squeeze?

a. A condition that causes pain and discomfort when the pressure outside an air space of your body is less than the pressure inside an air space.b. A condition that causes pain an discomfort when the pressure inside an air space of your body is less than the pressure outside an air space.b would be the right answer.AdditionTechnically all are incorrect. While "B" is the typical answer for an Open Water class, the pressures are virtually the same. This is because an air space will collapse until the pressures equalize. It is actually a volume question that is affected by the external pressure.

Why when you suck a air of a bottle it shrinks?

When you suck air out of a bottle, you decrease the air pressure inside the bottle. The higher air pressure outside the bottle then pushes the walls of the bottle inwards, causing it to shrink. This is due to the difference in air pressure inside and outside the bottle.

Why can't you open a window on a plane?

The pressure is much less outside the plane and opening the window would cause a rapid movement from high pressure inside to low pressure outside and suck things out of the plane window.

What should new trainees do through the sticking point and during the less strenuous portion of the lifts?

exhale & inhale

What make milkshake go up your straw?

When you suck on the straw, the pressure inside your mouth is less than the outside air pressure. Because of the imbalance, the outside pressure pushes the milkshake down the glass, up the straw and into your mouth.