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Q: Is aligator meat considered halal in islam?
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Kangaroo meat is Halal

Is prawn haram or halal in Islam?

It is considered Halal but it also is not, they're is an ongoing debate about weather prawns and lobsters are 'meat' or not. While they do come from an animal, meat is meant to be just farm animals. If you are Islamic, I wouldn't eat it.

Is emu meat is halal in Islam?

yes , all non meat eating birds are halal

What religion requires meat to be halal?

Islam... Muslims...

Are Muslims allowed to touch non halal meat?

The rule per Islam religion is not to eat non halal meat.

What is Halal Chicken mean?

In the Muslim culture, Halal Meat in general is special meat that some Muslims can only eat. When they kill the animal, they perform a special prayer for Islam, making it Halal meat.

Is scallop allowed in Islam or not?

Yes, scallop is allowed (halal) in Islam on condition that it is from allowed (halal) meat and cooked by allowed (halal) fats or oils.See the related question:What is prohibited to eat in Islam?listed below for more information.

When is bush meat halal?

Bush meat is never considered Halal because it comes from unblessed wild game.

What meat is halal?

Any animal slaughtered following the dhabihah method is considered halal. Also, fish and seafood are automatically considered halal.

Are winders halal?

winder chocolate milik is halal if any illegal matters used not to it as wine or meat which illegal in islam

Do people who practice Islam eat meat?

as long as its Halal and meat we are permitted to eat definatly no pork or products with pork in them

Is the fat from meat halal or not?

It is halal if from halal meat.