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Q: Is almond contraindicated in G6PD
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Can you take tramadol with g6pd?

Tramadol is not on the list of contraindicated drugs for those with G6PD. Remember to always tell your doctor and pharmacist that you are G6PD Deficient and have them verify that the medicine is allowable for your use. An answer of 'probably' isn't really acceptable from a doctor making $300 an hour ;)

At what age do boys have G6PD Deficency?

Anyone (male or female) with G6PD was BORN with it!People that are G6PD deficient are so because of a mutated gene on the X chromosome. In some cases, the symptoms do not appear later on in life as red cell production decreases; however, the person is deficient from conception, as their body is unable to to make any, or enough, g6pd. To put it in laymen's terms, G6PD is involved in a cellular process that helps your red blood cell's ability to fight oxidative stress. Too much stress, they die, and so can your body. However, if all foods, meds and other contraindicated substances are avoided (just like Superman avoided Kryptonite), most people can do quite well and live symptom free!For the most up to date and accurate information on the web concerning G6PD go to:

Why the patient that have g6pd deficient cannot take paracetamol and why?

Can you be around fire works if you have g6pd

Is massaging a person with boils contraindicated?

They are locally contraindicated if not severe and systemically contraindicated if they are severe.

Is chest physiotherapy contraindicated in tuberculosis?

Yes it is contraindicated

Hazelnut avoided in g6pd defficiency?


Is there a genetic test for deficiency of G6PD?

Yes. Direct DNA testing and sequencing of the G6PD gene are possible, and there is also a fast an inexpensive test called the "Beutler flourescent spot test" that can be performed on the blood of a patient suspected of having G6PD.

Is Doryx contraindicated in Myasthenia gravis?

Doxycycline is not contraindicated in myathenia gravis.

Is morphine contraindicated cholecystitis?

Contraindicated. Causes spasm for sphinter of Oddi.

What are the symptoms of G6PD?

The most significant consequence of this disorder is hemolytic anemia, which is usually episodic, but the vast majority of people with G6PD deficiency have no symptoms.

What is a normal range of G6PD?


What color tube is used for G6PD?
