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Q: Is along a connective or conjunction?
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What type of connective is and?

its a conjunction

Is finally a conjunction?

No, "finally" is an adverb, not a conjunction. It is used to indicate the end of a sequence of events or actions.

What is the term for a connective word used to join sentences, clauses, phrases, or words?

The word is conjunction. These include and, but and or.

Is a conjunction a connective word?

Yes, a conjunction is a type of connective word. It is used to connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. Examples of conjunctions include "and," "but," "or," and "so."

Is meanwhile a conjunction?

No, it is not a conjunction. It is an adverb, a conjunctive adverb, used along with a semicolon to connect clauses (instead of a conjunction).

Is because a verb?

No. Because is a conjunction connecting independent phrases.

What is another word for in conjunction?

"alignment", "co-occurrence", "coincidence", "colligation", "concurrence", "conjugation", "conjunctive", "connective", "continuative" and "junction"

Is or a connective?

Yes, "or" is a conjunction that is used to connect alternatives or options in a sentence, indicating a choice between two or more possibilities.

Is may a conjunction?

No, it is not a conjunction. It is an auxiliary verb (along with might) used to indicate a possibility, or to ask permission.

Is were a conjunction?

No, "were" is not a conjunction. It is the past tense of the verb "to be" used in the past subjunctive mood or past indicative mood.

Is with a preposition or conjunction?

It is a preposition. As a preposition, it means along with or concurrently.In constructions such as with the team leaving town, there is no actual clause that would make it a conjunction.

What part of speech is likewise?

Our teacher also plays in a band. (Also is an adverb modifying plays)