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The Information category has some of those kinds of functions like CELL, ISTEXT, ISNUMBER and others. The Lookup and Reference category has some of those kinds of functions like ROW, COLUMN, ADDRESS and others.

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Q: Is an Excel function category that returns information about the format location or contents of worksheet cells.?
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You can click on the Insert Function button and choose the Financial functions category to get the PMT function.

Which element do you click to insert a PMT function into a worksheet?

You can click on the Insert Function button and choose the Financial functions category to get the PMT function.

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It is in the Math and Trig category of functions. You can click on the function icon to start the process of getting to it.

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Yes you can do that. The main function to do that is the If function. See the link below for more information on it.

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The cell will display the text D6-D8. If you want to subtract the contents of cell D8 from cell D6, then you need to type =D6-D8. The = symbol tells Excel you want to perform a function on the contents of the cell, instead of just displaying text.

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Yes it can. It enables you to enter a function into the worksheet.

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In excel, what is VLOOKUP?

It is an inbuilt function and it stands for vertical lookup.Suppose you have two worksheets with information on for the same person. On each worksheet you have an identifying reference number for each person. Now suppose you wanted to use some of the information stored on worksheet 1 in worksheet 2. You could use vlookup in sheet 2 to vertically search down all the rows on sheet 1 for the specific reference number and then bring back the information from one of the cells to the right of it.This can be very useful.Click on the help icon. Type in 'vlookup' and press return. Choose 'VLOOKUP function' for more information.

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