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Q: Is an acid base or salt used to excess hydroxide ions?
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What liquids can you use to change the color of litmus paper?

Any acid or base should do the trick.Any compound with excess hydrogen ions (H+) or excess hydroxide ions (OH-). Also, any compound that absorbs hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxide ions (OH-).

What contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions a base or an acid?

An acid contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. Acids release hydrogen ions (H+) in water, while bases release hydroxide ions (OH-).

What makes acid a acid and a base a base?

Acids release H+ ions when dissolved in water, leading to an increase in H+ concentration. Bases, on the other hand, release OH- ions or accept H+ ions, reducing the H+ concentration. This difference in ion formation and reactivity determines the acidic or basic nature of a substance.

What is the neutralization of an acid and a base?

If Hydrochloric acid (with a PH of around 1) is added to Sodium Hydroxide(with a PH of around 14), if the quantities are even then the end product will have a PH close to 7 (A neutral PH). This is why it is called NeutralizationPut another way, if the proper amount and concentration of an acid and a base are mixed, the two will completely react to form a salt and water.e.g. the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide:HCl + NaOH --> H2O + NaClWater has a pH of 7. So does sodium chloride. Therefore, the resulting solution is neutral.

Is HCL an acid base or is it neutral?

HCl is an acid. It is a strong acid that dissociates completely in water to form H+ ions and Cl- ions.

Is solution with four times as many hydronium ions hydroxide ions a acid base or a neutral?


What is acid what is base?

Acids are substances that donate protons (H+) in a solution, lowering the pH. Bases are substances that accept protons or donate hydroxide ions (OH-), increasing the pH. Acids and bases are usually defined by their behavior in aqueous solutions.

Is water an acid or base if it has less amount of hydroxide ions compared to hydronium ions?

It will be acidic having less amount of hydroxide ions.

Excess hydronium ions?

Excess hydronium ions in a solution can make it acidic. Hydronium ions are formed when water molecules accept a proton, resulting in the H3O+ ion. An excess of these ions indicates a higher concentration of protons, leading to a lower pH in the solution.

How excess acidity can be treated using calcium hydroxide?

Excess acidity can be treated using calcium hydroxide, also known as slaked lime, by adding it to the acidic solution. The calcium hydroxide reacts with the hydrogen ions in the solution to form water and calcium ions, which reduces the acidity. This process is known as neutralization and helps to raise the pH of the solution.

Is produces hydroxide ions in solution an acid base or both?


Does an acid or a base produce OH in water?

A base produces OH- ions in water, while acids do not produce OH- ions. When a base is dissolved in water, it releases OH- ions, increasing the concentration of hydroxide ions and raising the pH of the solution.