

Is an acorn larger than a ladybug?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes, a fully grown acorn is larger than a fully grown ladybug.

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Q: Is an acorn larger than a ladybug?
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Does a larger than usual acorn crop mean or symbolize anything?

The right proportion of sun, rain and nutrients; a good summer.

Why do ladybugs have spots?

Ladybug spotsA ladybug's spots actually serve as a defense mechanism from predators. The spots, which can come in many different colors besides black, give the impression that the ladybug tastes bad, thereby keeping predators away. In fact, some ladybug species are even poisonous to smaller predators.In addition, a ladybug's spots can be mistaken as eyes by its predators. This causes the ladybug to appear larger than it is, thus helping its survival.

How do ladybugs know if another ladybug is a guy?

LadybugsThe female ladybug is slightly larger than the male one. When they mate the male ladybug is on top of the female one, it looks like they are 'piggy backing' each other.A while later the male ladybug starts moving it's body on top of the female one and starts moving it's legs around. ( i do not know why )

Are male ladybug larger than female ladybugs?

No. they have more spots. Females have around 5-6 and males hav 6-8. Hope this helps :)

Does a male and female ladybug look different?

Yes, a little bit. The female is a little bit larger than the male, and the male is a brighter color.

Is an acorn less than one kilogram?

Yes, it most defiantly is. Do you know how big a acorn is? and it is not incredibly dense.

Is a ladybug faster than a fly?

no fly is faster

What color is a girl ladybug?

the same as the boy. but it is more than one ladybug races. and lot of different colors. yellow and redd is too of them.

What is the duration of Ladybug Ladybug film?

The duration of Ladybug Ladybug - film - is 1.37 hours.

How long can a ladybug grow to?

that depends but girl ladybigs are bigger than boy ladybugs.

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How big is the biggest acorn?

Ironically enough, I believe the world's largest acorn comes from the Coast Live Oak. This is because the tree in our front yard just shedded a walloping acorn that's a little bit bigger than a nectarine.