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Q: Is an animal that eats herbivores a carnivore?
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What we call the animals that eat herbivores?

An animal that eats another animal (be it a herbivore or not) is called a carnivore.

Is a yak a carnivore?

Yaks are herbivores

What is the difference between a producer and a secondary consumer?

A primary carnivore is an animal that eats herbivores .A primary carnivore is an animal that eats the first order consumers (the animals which are herbivores). For example, a deer or a mouse. In the food chain: grass is consumed by a mouse which is consumed by a snake which is consumed by a hawk, the snake is the primary carnivore (because it ate the herbivore).

Is a primary a carnivore?

A primary carnivore is an animal that eats herbivores .A primary carnivore is an animal that eats the first order consumers (the animals which are herbivores). For example, a deer or a mouse. In the food chain: grass is consumed by a mouse which is consumed by a snake which is consumed by a hawk, the snake is the primary carnivore (because it ate the herbivore).

What kind of animal eats herbivores?

any carnivore (meat eaters) will eat an herbivore (plant eaters)

What are plant eaters?

Herbivores are what eat plants.

What are carnivores and herbivores?

Herbivores eat plants.Carnivores eat animals.Omnivores eat both plants and animals.A Herbivore is like an animal that is a vegetarian.A Carnivore is an animal that only consumes meat.Herbivore means it eats plant only. Carnivore means it eats animal only. Some examples of herbivore are orangutans and caterpillars. Some examples of carnivore are tigers and lions.

Can herbivores eat anything besides meat?

A herbivore that eats meat is not a herbivore: it is an omnivore.

What animal is an carnivore?

A carnivore is an animal that eats meat

Is a bunny a scavenger?

No, a scavenger is and animal that eats dead animals, which a carnivore (meat eater). Bunnies are herbivores (plant eaters).

What is a large herbivores?

First a carnivore is an animal that eats meat. And a large carnivore can be any large animal that eats meat.

How can producers get into a carnivore if a carnivore only eats plants?

There are 2 answers:1.a carnivore eats a animal with producers in the dead animals stomach.2. In terms of energy, to get the energy of the producers, the producers get eaten by a herbivore of omnivore which carries the energy from the food it eats which is then passed to the carnivore if the carnivore eats the herbivore or omnivore.It's means lthe animals who just eat meat like Lion.