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Yes, an anion is an ion with more electrons than protons giving it a negative charge.

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Yes, an anion is an ion that has gained one or more electrons, resulting in more electrons than protons and giving it a negative charge.

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Q: Is an anion an ion with more electrons than protons giving it a negative charge?
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Is an anion is an ion with more electrons than protons giving it a negative charge?

Yes, an anion is an ion that has gained one or more electrons, giving it a negative charge. This results in an excess of electrons compared to protons in the atom, making it negatively charged.

How does an ion develop?

An ion is an atom with a charge. This means that the number of electrons does not match the number of protons, thus giving it a charge. If there are more electrons, it has a negative charge. If it has more protons, it has a positive charge. Remember though, an atom cannot lose or gain protons, only electrons.

What is the difference between a proton an an electron?

Protons and Electrons are actually quite different. Protons have a positive electric charge, while electrons have a negative electric charge. Atoms usually have the same number of protons and electrons, which means they balance each other out giving a neutral electric charge. If there are more of either protons or electrons, the atom will have an overall charge. (Negative or Positive). Protons are also located in the nucleus with the neutrons, while electrons are located in the outer shells surrounding the nucleus.

Why does an atom that has lost an electron have a positive charge?

Every atom has a positively charged nucleus containing protons, each with a 1+ charge. Electrons, each with a -1 charge surround the nucleus. In a neutral atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons, so there is no net charge. If an atom loses electrons it will have more protons than electrons resulting in an overall positive charge. For example, a neutral magnesium atom has 12 protons and 12 electrons, resulting in an ion with 12 protons and 10 electrons. Since there are two more protons than electrons in this ion, the overall charge is 2+

If there are two electrons in an atom how many protons would be in the atom?

The atom in a normal state would have two protons to match the two electrons, making the overall charge zero. If the atom is an ion, it would have an mismatched number of protons and electrons, giving it a positive or negative overall charge.

Which pair will Cl have a greater negative charge Cu and Cl or Cu and Cl?

An anion, is an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a net negative charge. Chloride would have the greater negative charge with Iodide.

A charge atom that has gained one or more electrons?

An ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons. An ion has an unequal number electrons and protons giving it either a positive or negative charge.

How do you tell if an element is an ion?

An ion is an element that has a positive or negative charge due to the loss or gain of electrons. You can tell if an element is an ion by checking if it has a different number of electrons than protons. If it has gained or lost electrons, it will have a charge and is considered an ion.

How many electrons does an atom with a negative charge have?

It will have more electrons. Electrons carry a negative charge that is equivalent to the positive charge carried by protons. Thus, if an object is negatively charged, it will have more electrons than protons. By the same reasoning, if an object is positively charged, it will have more protons than electrons. As you may have guessed, a neutral object will have the same amount of electrons and protons, causing all the charges to cancel out. Therefore, if a compound has a negative sign added to the end of it, such as NO3-, that means the compound has one more electron than it would if it were neutral.

Why do atoms have a neutral charge?

It is because there is an equal amount of positive and negative charge to produce a neutral charge. Just the presence of neutrons does not make the atom neutral. An atom will lose its neutral charge if it loses or gains electrons and becomes an ion

What is ionic coumpound?

Compound made of ions, which are atoms of an element with more or less electrons than number of protons, giving them a positive or negative charge.

An atom is electrically neutral because?

An atom has no electrical charge because the negative charge of the electrons counteract the positive charge of the protons and the neutrons in the nucleus have a neutral charge. For example, Carbon has 6 electrons(-6 charge) and has 6 protons(+6 charge). Giving it an atomic weight of 12 and a charge of 0. The 6 neutrons do not change this charge, they keep it the same because they are neutral. (: