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No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

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11y ago

No, but the asp had a protective mythology about it. It was supposed to protect royalty and anyone who died by an asp's bite was supposed to be given eternal life. The asp was also a symbol associated with the goddess Isis.

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30B.C.(suicide by an asp)

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