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Q: Is an excess of body fat that is distributed around the abdomen associated with increased mortality in both sexes?
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Describe the movement of the grasshopper's abdomen associated with respiration?

They kind of pant; the entire abdomen gently goes up and down and constricts with every breath. They only do this when stressed or when they can't get enough oxygen though, while relaxed the abdomen barely moves.

Why does alcohol make you bloat?

The enlarged abdomen associated with alcoholism is due to gross enlargement of the liver.

When the large membrane covering the abdomen is inflamed what is this called?

The large membrane related to abdomen is peritoneum. It is called as peritonitis. It is a serious condition with about 80 percent mortality. That means 80 percent patient die with modern treatment also. Burst appendix or the perforated stomach are common causes for the same. Abdomen is closed and big cavity. Infection has no natural drainage. So it is very serious type of infection.

Can mesothelioma cause breast cancer?

Mesothelioma usually affects internal organs in the chest & abdomen, have never heard of it associated with breast-cancer!

What are the symptoms of a person who has cancer detected by a false positive pregnancy test?

H- mole. Rapidly enlarging abdomen, amenorrhea and increased level of HCG.

What does a DOG with a hot stomach mean?

This is usually normal. A dog sweats, or loses heat through the abdomen. If it is associated with pain, or other symptoms, consult a vet.

What are red abdomen ants?

the chromatic expression of different species vary from a pale orange to red to black. carpenter ants infected with nematode parasites also exhibit a red abdomen, associated with attracting birds who confuse this color display with an edible berry. this is an example of host manipulation.

What is a animals abdomen called?

An abdomen

Why is the ventral surface of a thoracic cavity firmer that the surface of the abdomen of a rat?

The thoracic cavity is stiffened by the ribcage and the muscles associated with breathing. This forms a flexible but comparatively firm surface.

What is a boat-shaped abdomen?

A boat-shaped abdomen is another term for a scaphoid abdomen - a condition in which the abdomen's anterior wall is sunken and hollow.

What are the organs found in the abdomen?

Most animals have the following organs in the abdomen: stomach, liver, kidneys, small and large intestines, reproductive organs. You will find some additional organs in the abdomens of arthropods such as: the gizzard, crop, spinnerets, book lungs, spiracles and the associated tracheae.

How do you say abdomen in Spanish?

el abdomen