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Yes, because an atom in an excited state will normally give off energy and go to a less-excited state or to its ground state. Some atoms have long-lived excited states and are called "metastable".

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no it is stable , the excited is the unstable one

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Q: Do atoms in the excited state have more electrons than in the ground state?
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What does it mean when the electrons are excited?

They are in a higher energy orbital than the ground state.

What is argon used for in fieworks?

Argon is used to produce violet lights. Electrons in argon atoms use energy from the firework explosion to make the transition from the ground state to an excited state. Their return to the ground state results in the emission of violet light.

An atom in an excited state contains more of what type of energy than the same atom in the ground state?

more electrons than an atom in the ground state

What is the definition of excited state electron?

An atom will go into an excited state when the electrons are given extra energy. Then after the electrons have been excited it will eventually go back to ground state producing a light as it returns to its normal state.

What is HTE difference between an atom in the ground state and an atom in an excited state?

Atom in the ground state is stable but atom in excited state is not stable the main reason for this is their energies.Atoms in excited state has more energy so they undergo chemical reaction so they are not stable but atoms in ground state has less energy than the excited state so they dont undergo chemical reaction.

What is difference between a ground state electrons configuration and an excited state configuration?

In the ground state all the (only one for Hydrogen)) electrons is in the lowest stable orbit. If the electron gains energy (usually from a photon) it will orbit in a higher energy state (called excited).

Will the total number of electrons change when a specific element's electrons gain energy to shift from the ground state to the excited state?

No. The atom in this case i not ionised.

State in which electrons have jumped to a higher energy level?

state in which electrons have absorbed energy and "jumped" to a higher energy level

Lithium produces a red color when it is placed in a flame. Explain why this is so?

During flame tests due to heating, the atoms of the sample are excited, which lends to their electrons moving from the ground state to the higher energy levels or excited state.

What must an electron do to move from ground state to an excited state?

To move an electron from the ground state to an excited state, it requires an input of energy. It should be equal to the energy difference between the two levels. This energy comes from collision with other molecules and atoms.

How many electrons does calcium have in the second energy level?

Calcium atoms have 8 electrons in the second energy level. However, they are not the valence electrons. The outermost electrons in a calcium atom in the ground state are 2 4s electrons. So calcium atoms in the ground state have 2 valence electrons in the fourth energy level.

The state with positively charged atoms energized so that some break free of the nucleus but still move with it is called?

The state with positively charged atoms energized so that some break free of the nucleus is called the excited state. The opposite of an excited state is ground state.