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No. The atom in this case i not ionised.

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Q: Will the total number of electrons change when a specific element's electrons gain energy to shift from the ground state to the excited state?
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When sunlight excited electrons in chlorophyll how do the electrons change?

the electrons gain a huge amount of energy

How do the number of electrons change across the period of elements?

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When sunlight excites electrons in chlorophyll how do electrons change?

As red and blue light energy is absorbed by Chlorophyll electrons in outer shell are excited & raised to a higher energy level.

How does the numbers of electrons change across a period of elements?

The number of valence electrons for the elements increases across a period, from 1 (group 1) to 8 (group 18).

What causes the element to change?

You should be more specific about what change you are talking about. But let me take a guess. For example, iron plus oxygen can become ferric oxide. Both elements change their names. The change is used to indicate the kind of bonding process that is taking place. When iron and oxygen become ferric oxide, the iron has lost electrons and the oxygen has gained the electrons that iron lost. The change of name tells us that the elements are in an altered state, having turned into electrically charged ions.

Why do elements produce light?

Some elements produce light because of a change in energy state levels. The color of the light is determined by the difference in energy between the excited state and the ground state.

When moving down a group ( family) in the periodic table the number of valence electrons?

When moving down a group, the number of valence electrons do not change. This similarity yields the elements in the same groups to have same chemical properties. For example, elements in group 17 obtain one electron to stabilize as -1 ion.In a group, all the elements have a same number of valence electrons. So their chemical properties are equal. But the physical properties vary.Valence electrons are the electrons in outermost shell.The valence electrons remain same in a group. For example-Group-1 elements have 1 valence electron.

What are compounds a result of?

Chemical Change caused by combining two elements at specific proportion.

Which of the following statements is NOT a part of John Dalton's atomic theory?

During a chemical reaction, atoms can change their identities.

How does the number of valence electrons for element change across a period?

The number of valence electrons for the elements increases across a period, from 1 (group 1) to 8 (group 18).

What happens if the elements have different protons and electrons?

A neutral atom of a chemical element has a constant number of protons and electrons; loss or gain of electrons transform this atom in an ion.After the change of the number of protons the identity of the atom is lost.

How do the parts of an atom combine to form compounds and mixtures?

It's not the atoms that change, it is the molecules... In short, the molecules(elements) can share, give, or take electrons from other molecules(elements).