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Q: Is an eye of an ant larger than a cell?
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IS a piece of sawdust larger than a cell?

no its not!!

What happens when a ant bit your eye if it can what happens?

Well, I'm not sure if an ant actually big my eye but when I was younger an ant flew Into my eye and my eye ended up swelling and going all red. I had to go to an eye doctor and get my eye flipped around and the ant taken out.

Which animal's eye is larger than its brain?


Is the eye of the ant compound or simple?

It is a compound eye.

Which cells are bigger than a human cell?

First ... human cells come in many sizes, the female egg cell is so large that it's almost visible to the naked eye. Second ... plant cells tend to be larger than animal cells (by a factor of about 10).

What if an ant crawled into someone's eye?

get blind

What type of eyes does an ant have?

an antish eye

How do you heal an eye with an ant bite?

Eye injuries should be treated very seriously. If a person suspects they have received an ant bite to the eye, they should immediately go to the nearest emergency room for treatment.

Is an ant unicellular?

Yes. Unicellular animals are just one cell, and you can't see cells with the naked eye. Things that are plainly visible are always multicellular, especially if they have clear parts like legs and eyes and such - those are impossible on a single cell!

Why can't you see the mitochondria?

we can't see mitochondria because it is very small in can be seen by microscope.To see by a human eye,it must be larger than 0.1mm. It is the resolution power of an eye

Is the eye of a hurricane bigger than the eye or a tornado?

Yes. Much bigger. The eye of a hurricane is larger than the whole tornado in nearly all cases. The eye of a hurricane is usually 20 to 40 miles wide The smallest hurricane eye on record was 2.3 miles wide. Only a few tornadoes have been larger than this. The largest tornado ever recorded was 2.6 miles wide. The typical tornado is 50 to 100 yards wide.

What do you do if your friend has an ant in their eye?

laugh and then put water or something in it to hopefully get it out