

Is an inductor linear device

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Is an inductor linear device
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Is a inductor linear device?

Inductor is a nonlinear device. since v=L di/dt.

Is inductor linear or non linear?

non linear

Is inductor linear or non linear when the initial in it is non zero taking output as current and input as voltage?


What is meant by inductor and name the inductor device?

a coil. a component having the property of inductance.

Why inductor are used in CKT?

inductor is used in ckt because it will work as controling current device

Is resistance a linear device?

YES it is linear. It is a passive device classified as linear however as frequency increases its behavior will change.

Why no power loss in pure inductance?

An inductor is a device which stores energy as a magnetic energy.... Ideal inductor have no there is no power loss.... power loss = (I*I)*R

What device works by rotating a wire within a magnetic field to produce electric current?


What device works by rotating a wire coil within a magnetic field to produce current?


The correct formula to determine how many Amps of current a device will draw is?

There is no formula it depends on the device. If the device is linear it can be ascertain but if it a non linear then it becomes quite complex

What is an inductor and its current rating?

An inductor is an electrical component, usually a coil, designed to offer a specific value of inductance (measured in henrys). As the operating current of an inductor affects its inductance its inductance value (inductors are not linear devices, due to their hysteresis characteristics) is normally expressed for a specific range of operating currents.

Why a transistor is a non linear devices?

A: THE WORD IS LINEAR. yes it is not a very linear device as a function of current