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Answer #1:

Just because 2 objects are moving at the same, or a uniform speed, it does

not mean they share a uniform motion.

Since no parameters have been set, there are an infinite number of scenarios

that could be proposed, and a wide variety of environments in which to, let's

say, operate two vehicles of completely different construction, and if one had

the resources available to have several sets of vehicles, with each set

designed to operate in, lets say, Outer Space, and Under Water, and on the

surface of the earth, it would be easy to demonstrate that, by comparing the

motion involved in keeping any of these two differently designed vehicles

moving at an identical speed, which if I chose to use two land based vehicles

designed to travel over a flat hard surface on earth, (where there is sufficient

oxygen in the atmosphere to use gasoline based engines for propulsion), I

could choose one vehicle to be any ordinary car, and the other to be in the

shape of a two story tall tire, that incorporated all of the required technology

required to basically turn a tire from one of those huge dump-trucks used in

the largest scale mining operations, into a vehicle that could be operated by

remote control, if desired.

Once the vehicles had been brought up to a uniform speed, say 65 mph, the

car's relative motion would appear to be very slight, while the vehicle that was

in the shape of a tire would appear to be experiencing a great of motion,

something around 100%, since that is what would be occurring.

While it is easy to imagine two cubes of the same size, next to each other,

and both slowly rotating at the same speed and attitude while hurling through

space at 10,000 mph, as they pass through our solar system, (which is what I

initially imagined when I read the question), I noted that with no parameters

being set, or conditions being applied to these two objects, that of course, (as

I initially stated), an infinite number of possibilities exist where two objects

could be moving at the same speed, and yet be experiencing a wildly different

kind of motion.

I'm Matt at


Answer #2:

The extended treatise in Answer #1 above could have ended much sooner

if it had just worked with the definition of "uniform motion". Of course, one

has to know it in order to work with it.

'Uniform motion' means unaccelerated motion, that is, constant speed in a

straight line.

The answer to the question is: An object moving at a constant speed is not

necessarily moving with uniform motion, because its direction may be changing.

A few examples include:

-- A geosynchronous satellite in a perfetly circular orbit.

-- A car maintaining 30 mph around a bend in the highway.

-- The little roulette ball in its first few turns around the wheel.

-- Any point on the rim of a wheel that's spinning at a constant rate.

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