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An ounce is an ounce.

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Q: Is an ounce of feathers and an ounce of lead weigh the same?
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Which weighs more an ounce of brick or an ounce of gold?

they both weigh an ounce so they weigh the same This is not the correct answer...DuFuss. Gold is weighed in troy weight, one troy ounce = 480 grains= 31.2 grams. Brick would be measured in avoirdupois weight, where 1 ounce=437.5 grains or 28.4 grams. Therefore, an ounce of gold weighs more than a ounce of brick, feathers, lead, etc.

Why does a pound of feathers and a pound of lead weigh the same?

Because pounds measure weight. A pound of feathers would be a whole lot bigger than a pound of lead.

Which weighs more 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of lead?

They both weigh the same.

Does a pound of lead weigh more than a pound of feathers?

They both weigh one pound and are therefore the same weight. The answer to the questions is no.

What is heavier a kilo of lead of wood or of feathers?

They all would weigh the same amount, 1 Kilogram.

Does a ounce of corn flakes weigh the same as a ounce of milk?

It both are one ounce then both weigh the same

Which ways more a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?

They are the same. If you're asking about density, though, (how much matter is packed into a certain volume), you can test this by first dropping a pound of iron on your foot, followed by the feathers. An ounce of gold, however, does *not* weigh the same as an ounce of lead. Some research will show why....

Which ways more a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

Since each substance weighs a pound, they weigh the same amount.

What weight more a pound of lead or a pound of feather?

One, the correct term is "Which weighs more: a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?" Two, the answer is that they weigh exactly the same, because they both weigh a pound.

Which has a greater mass a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?

Something that weighs a ton is equal to other things that weigh a ton, therefore a ton of anything is equal to a ton of anything else. Even if it's feathers versus lead or cotton versus cement.

Which is heavier 500 pounds of feathers or 500 pounds of lead?

By definition, they have exactly the same mass.

Do feathers weight more?

I would need more details to answer but if your asking about the common question, "What weighs more, an ounce of feathers, or an ounce of rocks?" then they are the same.