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It is a secondary consumer, it eats rodents and insects which are mostly primary consumers.

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Q: Is an owl a primary or secondary consumer?
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Is a owl a primary consumer a secondary consumer a tertiary consumer?

Owls are secondary consumers.The producer - the grass and seeds.The primary consumer - the mice that eat the seeds.The secondary consumer - the owl that eats the mice.

Is a owl a primary consumer a secondary consumer or tertiary consumer?

Owls are secondary consumers.The producer - the grass and seeds.The primary consumer - the mice that eat the seeds.The secondary consumer - the owl that eats the mice.

Is an owl an secondary producer?

An owl is not a producer, it is a consumer, and it is a secondary consumer because it feeds on primary consumers.

Is an owl a primary consumer?

Owls are secondary consumers

Is an owl a consumer producer or a consumer?

An owl is a secondary consumer because it consumes animals. If it ate grass it would be a primary consumer

Is a owl a secondary producers?

they aren't. owls are secondary consumers, which means that they eat producers

Is an owl a primary consumer or secondary consumer or tertiary consumer?

Hawks can be either secondary or tertiary consumers, depending on the organism it eats at any particular time. If it eats an herbivore such as a mouse, then it is a secondary consumer. If it eats another carnivore such as a snake, then it is a tertiary consumer.

Is a goat a primary or secondary consumer?

Secondary consumer

Is a owl a primary consumer?

No. Owls are not a Primary Consumer.

What type of consumer s a snowy owl?

second level consumer

Is a flamingo a primary or a secondary consumer?

No its a Secondary Consumer

Is a cat a secondary consumer or primary consumer?

Secondary consumer