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Q: Is an unanimous approval or majority approval needed to pass a round robin?
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Where does Robin Roberts brothe Jr Butch live?

It doesn't matter where Robin Roberts brother live, as long as he can get to his sister when needed. I am thinking he lives in New Orleans.

Why was Robin Hood empathetic to poor people?

Because he witnessed how the rich were. He felt as if they had more than what they needed.

What did Robin Hood do with all his money?

He gave the money to those who were poor and those who needed it, more than that evil king.

What is the robin red?

robin is the red robin

Why cant the American robin and the British robin interbreed?

The american robin is actually a type of thrush, wheras the european robin is a true robin.

Who is robin longstride?

Robin Longstride is given as the name for Robin Hood in the 2010 movie, Robin Hood.

What nicknames does Robin Webb go by?

Robin Webb goes by Robin.

What is the difference between Robin and Red Robin in Batman?

Nothing. Robin is just a short form of Red Robin but most of the time they only use Robin.

Was Robin Longstride Robin Hood?

Robin hood may have been modeled after a real person, called Robin of Locksley.

Where online can someone find lyrics for songs recorded by Robin Thicke?

There are numerous websites that provide lyrics to the vast majority of songs, including those by Robin Thicke. The ideal way to discover these lyrics would be to type the desired song, artist and word "lyrics" into google and click on any site that emerges from this search.

Where is robin's wishing box on HorseIsle?

Robin's Lost Trinket (50qp) [Intermediate]Begins: Robin, resident of Rider IsleItems Needed: NoneRobin has lost his Wishing Box in Bridle Forest, which is north of tree. On the one of the rock piles, you will find Rose, a beautiful maiden. Talk to Rose and she will give you the box. You can select any of the 3 options as your gift.Reward: $1000 + one gift

When did robin live in Edinburgh?

Robin who